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Re: Orange Is the New Black actress vs. Homophobic moron preacher on uptown (M) train

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Thu Nov 13 09:42:14 2014, in response to Re: Orange Is the New Black actress vs. Homophobic moron preacher on uptown (M) train, posted by JRR4 on Wed Nov 5 13:52:01 2014.

With all due respect, and me being a Heterosexual, Catholic male, I don't agree with how you are stating this.
Yes, we do have freedom of religion in this country, and will fight to the death to keep that, however, the statements you are making is completely coming from YOUR religion. That doesn't make it "as it is". Everyone is free to believe, or NOT believe what they want.

Didn't read the links but just because someone speaks out against the gay lifestyle doesn't make them homophobic.

Yes, that is ABSOLUTELY correct. And I do agree with that. Unfortunately, as soon as someone speaks out against gays, that automatically makes them "homophobic", and that is absurd.

I'm a Christian and know from God's word that the gay lifestyle is a sin and displeasing to God, as is any sin. That said, I believe in "love the sinner, hate the sin".

Christians (Catholic, and many others) believe do not believe that homosexuality is wrong, just the act of gay sex. That said, YOU (or whoever) may believe that, but that does not mean "you" are fact. There are plenty of people that do NOT believe that, and people that DO believe that have NO right to infringe on those that don't happen to believe that. THAT is something I find wrong. Just as you believe your religion, others believe theirs. Not everyone follows the same religion.

I don't fear homosexuals but do know their actions are morally wrong. There's a big difference.

"Do know" is completely subjective. NO ONE knows. Just because YOU believe a religious tenet of some religion, doesn't mean it's "fact". So the "difference" is subjective.

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