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Re: Orange Is the New Black actress vs. Homophobic moron preacher on uptown (M) train

Posted by Nilet on Wed Nov 5 14:31:17 2014, in response to Re: Orange Is the New Black actress vs. Homophobic moron preacher on uptown (M) train, posted by JRR4 on Wed Nov 5 14:20:28 2014.

When did I speak to God? Every time I pray and read His word.

In that case, can I meet him? Can you send me some of his letters? Thus far, no one has ever actually managed to speak to the guy— every time I ask if I can meet him, they backtrack and claim they only "spoke" with him in a metaphorical sense, and the things he allegedly wrote were actually written by dudes who claim they were "inspired" by him but hadn't actually met him either.

I believe gays are inherrently evil? Wrongo bongo.

It's basically what you just said.

We are all sinners, it's by Christ's death and God's grace that we are forgiven.

What does Christ's death have anything to do with it? For that matter, what does "sin" have to do with morality? Why should it matter that this one guy doesn't like me?

"It's "morally wrong" for gay people to have the same relationships straight people do." Not at all, it's only morally wrong to act on it.

So you're saying it's not morally wrong for gay people to have romantic relationships as long as they don't have romantic relationships? Gay people are free to get married as long as they don't get married? You're not really making much sense here.

One man, one woman is what He intended. It's that simple.

And he told you this when? How would I verify he said this for myself? And why should I care what he wants anyway?


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