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Re: 110th Anniversary Celebration

Posted by Nilet on Wed Oct 29 09:14:19 2014, in response to Re: 110th Anniversary Celebration, posted by terRAPIN station on Wed Oct 29 08:39:49 2014.

Sorry, my bad, I meant to write "sucks". I left off an "s". Hopefully that will make it more clear.

The omission of an "s" had nothing to do with the fact that your post was simply wrong.

So you say.

Well that's a matter of opinion.

Well it's not like you would know.

So you say. If true, you would/should have been on the Lo-Vs if it was something you really wanted to do and didn't have anything super important at work that day.

The fact that I'm getting paid to do a job isn't reason enough to do it? I can see why you got fired.

SHENS. A lot of people take their jobs seriously and they still take off days from work.

Yep. I can definitely see why you got fired. Responsibility just isn't a thing with you, I guess.

And you know the worst part? It's that SelkirkTMO ruined my life by posting that information here for all to see.

Oh right. You shirked your responsibilities and then lied about it, but it's Selkirk's fault because he didn't jump through hoops to protect you from being held accountable.

I'm not sure why anybody would, but you've obviously convinced Larry since he implemented a filter to censor your name and deleted a whole bunch of posts to protect you from the consequences of your own immature behaviour.


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