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Re: Do you want to buy an 1935 R6 978 SUBWAY CAR, YOU CAN ON EBAY

Posted by Express Rider on Sat Oct 18 00:31:06 2014, in response to Re: Do you want to buy an 1935 R6 978 SUBWAY CAR, YOU CAN ON EBAY, posted by SelkirkTMO on Fri Oct 17 23:10:23 2014.

Always had two fantasies about buying an R-9. No kind of serious money for either one, but it's nice to dream.

1. When I lived with my family in a split level, first enclose the open porch and make it into a real room, then put the R-9 in the backyard, (no trucks, mounted on some kind of reinforced pilings), attaching it to the room that was formerly a porch, you could enter and leave through the storm door. Inside, leave half of it as is, in the other half, remove the seats, put in a desk a couple of chairs and a bookcase, with hanging plants in the windows, and blinds, making it into a kind of study. Leave both motormans' cabs intact.

2. This one would take serious, serious, money, and a lot of buildding permits and/ or greased palms.
Build a seventy or eighty feet long IND station mockup in your backyard. Get excavating machinery to dig a trench 25 or so feet wide, then pour concrete to make walls, a trackbed and platform, install track, ties, etc. Install IND style pillars along the platform, then lower the R-9 onto the tracks (can also be on pilings w/o trucks - just have a trackbed to make it look real). Then cover it over, tile the walls, make a name tablets either from a real IND station or your home street & house number. Find an artist who can paint each endwall as a tunnel entrance, with lights, signals etc. Install benches, and a mini fare control area, and make it accessible by a door from your basement.

Have friends over, tell them you want to show them the subway in your basement. "Sure," they'll say, thinking you're either kidding, or lost your marbles. Take them downstairs through the ordinary basement, then open the small unassuming door, next to the washing machine perhaps, and voila, take them into your subway station. It would blow their minds. Something like that would be great place for parties. And be sure to make the handles in the motorman's cab workable, and when used by partygoers (under the influence or not), a tape of R-9 sounds will begin, piped in through a number of speakers throughout the car.
And when there's no parties, it can be a place to hunker down in, when you get cabin fever upstairs in the house.


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