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Re: NJT Personnel STILL Don't Know Photography Policy

Posted by Nilet on Fri Oct 3 18:17:40 2014, in response to Re: NJT Personnel STILL Don't Know Photography Policy, posted by Terrapin Station on Fri Oct 3 07:35:37 2014.

Ah, time for another exciting edition of "Is Terrapin Station an idiot or a troll acting like an idiot?"

You claimed this was your policy regarding photography rights.

I asked whether you personally followed that policy.

You offered the generic response "all the time."

So I asked for specifics.

Which you refused to provide, instead asking why I wanted to know.

I told you that I doubt you ever actually stood up for photography rights as mentioned in your "policy," as evidenced by the fact that you cannot offer a single example in which you did that and dodged any request to provide one, which in light of your reputation would tend to suggest you're a coward and a hypocrite.

You dodged again because of your failure to understand nuance and context, and asked me why I accused you of hypocrisy even though it was already obvious.

I explained by reiterating the question you'd failed to answer, thus answering your question.

You failed to understand nuance and context again, thus missing the answer I provided and getting completely confused about what we were talking about.

I dumbed down my posts for you, explaining that (a) you dodged by question, and (b) I already answered yours.

At which point you proved that even the simplest most explicit language I can muster is too complex for you to understand.

That said, I will try once more. I can't dumb it down anymore than this, so if you're too retarded to understand it, I'm afraid there's not much anyone can do for you.

You frequently order other people to stand up for photography rights, but you never do so yourself because you are a coward and a hypocrite. If you wish to dispute that assessment, then give specific examples of when you did stand up for photography rights— date, time, place, what happened, thread links if possible.


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