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Re: ''House GOP bill would force Amtrak to rethink its insane boarding process''

Posted by Nilet on Thu Sep 25 17:58:11 2014, in response to Re: ''House GOP bill would force Amtrak to rethink its insane boarding process'', posted by italianstallion on Mon Sep 22 10:32:55 2014.

NSA - some of it's necessary but needs to be cut back

How much?

TSA - necessary but needs to be more common-sensical in operation

What do you propose?

Drones - necessary - better than boots on the ground

Worse than leaving well enough alone. How would you like it if your entire family was murdered by remote control from thousands of miles away at your wedding?

Iraq - big mistake

Indeed, though one Obama and his fellow wingnuts seem intent on repeating.

Afghanistan - as home of alQaeda and Taliban, good that we went in, but glad we are getting out

Al Qaeda was gone by 2002 or 2003 at the latest. Shouldn't we have left then? It's not like the Taliban ever posed a threat to us.

Snowden, etc. - I have no sympathy for them whatsoever

So you support mass spying, the assassination of journalists, and the torture of US citizens? Or are you simply miffed that Snowden, Manning, and Kiriakou made you aware these things were happening? I reiterate my earlier statement: People like you are the reason the Constitution was repealed in all but name.

Classified - too much of that, but that's been always true.

There's too much of that, but you oppose every attempt to reduce it?

Look, it is a physical fact that the United States tortured political prisoners and then declared this to be classified. When Obama came into office, should he have declassified this information? If yes, what's wrong with Kiriakou blowing the whistle on it?

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