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Re: ''House GOP bill would force Amtrak to rethink its insane boarding process''

Posted by Nilet on Sun Sep 21 20:39:14 2014, in response to Re: ''House GOP bill would force Amtrak to rethink its insane boarding process'', posted by italianstallion on Sun Sep 21 17:18:36 2014.

Stop setting up a straw man. That is not what I believe.

Of course not. It's a reductio ad absurdum to show that your argument is ridiculous.

Over the past thirteen years, the Constitution has been torn to shreds in the name of protecting the country from "terrorism." I pointed out that terrorism is at most a minor problem that doesn't justify such extreme measures or even any measures beyond those that law enforcement use every day, noting that the government has cited "terrorism" as justification for oppression so frequently that no one should be willing to believe it anymore.

You then set up a straw man by pretending I'd said terrorism never existed at any point in human history; essentially "if you don't believe the boy who cried wolf, you must believe wolves don't exist." I pointed out that your argument was a straw man by rephrasing it using crime instead of terrorism (since terrorism is just a small subset of crime anyway).

Please give me a list of those the govt. made up.

Come on, seriously? The war in Iraq, the torture of political prisoners, the mass spying, and the president ordering the murder of American citizens were all justified by the claimed threat of "terrorism." Did you somehow not notice that you can no longer get on a plane without being strip searched and/or molested?

Meanwhile, Guantanamo is full of people who are being tortured for supposed terrorist plots the government made up.

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