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Re: PATH Deserves To Be On the Subway Map

Posted by Michael549 on Tue Aug 26 12:30:03 2014, in response to Re: PATH Deserves To Be On the Subway Map, posted by Spider-Pig on Tue Aug 26 11:03:43 2014.

I am beginning to agree with you.

The "Subway Map" is not "just the subways", but an opportunity to provide a means for telling folks how to get about the city. In recent years the MAP has called it, "The Map".

In any case, the "subway map" has for decades been a well used representation of the city. It provides a means for folks to try and figure out where they are, and where they want to go. Which of course has lead to countless arguments about what to include, how to include it or depict it, what not to include, etc. Inside the Transit Museum there are displays about how the "subway map" has changed over the decades.

This particular argument is about how to include and depict the PATH system. On one level it is really not that far removed from arguments in the past about what should or should not appear on the maps. Anyone remember past subway maps where only a particular company's routes were shown on "their maps"- the IND only maps, the IRT only maps, the BMT only maps? Anyone remember the complaints over the shape of Central Park in previous maps?

The MAP is not just about the subway, but about the ability to help folks navigate their way around the city - that is the real important goal to not lose sight of.



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