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Re: The Third Avenue El: Finale - April 28-29, 1973

Posted by FYBklyn1959 on Mon Apr 29 09:51:49 2013, in response to Re: The Third Avenue El: Finale - April 28-29, 1973, posted by zac on Mon Apr 29 06:14:27 2013.

2 pairs, actually. (4-car train)

When I rode (a Saturday afternoon), I rode the B to 9th Av and went downstairs to get the CS. I may have just missed one, because it seemed like forever for it to arrive. Back then, I knew next to nothing about the history of the subway in general and the Culver in particular, so I figured it was like the Franklin shuttle, with trains running in both directions with a single track terminal at each end. Then I'm riding (at the RFW of course), and I see that the northbound track is missing. Of course now it makes sense. :)

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