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Re: Sunset Park, Brooklyn teen charges he was roughed up by cop

Posted by G1Ravage on Fri Jul 27 03:27:13 2012, in response to Sunset Park, Brooklyn teen charges he was roughed up by cop, posted by Gold_12TH on Fri Jul 27 02:26:54 2012.

This is how it works nowadays with these punk-ass kids. Break the law, and if you're caught by the police, resist just enough in the hopes that the police will use reasonable force to subdue you, which in the eyes of random passersby, will always appear to be unreasonable, because they don't understand the context of what's happening. So they'll film it, and then the bleeding-hearts will cry police brutality. Oh my! Immigrants and minorities have to fear the police! The rhetoric! The politics! Look at how the kid's friends and random people all surround the officer and taunt him while filming it. They have absolutely no respect for police work, because they obviously enjoy breaking the law.

And then the punk-ass kid, who deserved what he got to begin with for breaking the law and then resisting arrest, gets to hold a press conference and feign innocence while his family no doubt starts seeing dollar signs in their eyes.

This is the disgusting new America we live in. You can't police the criminals. You break the law, you sue the police. Then a dumb-ass jury pays you.

I wonder what that loud sound was at the beginning of the video. That seems to be when the police officer starts walking over.


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