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Re: Metro-North's plan to add more service to Port Jervis line

Posted by Larry,RedbirdR33 on Mon Jun 18 18:22:38 2012, in response to Re: Metro-North's plan to add more service to Port Jervis line, posted by Lou From Middletown NY on Sun Jun 17 19:28:01 2012.

Hell, ShortLine has a 305a departure from BINGHAMTON, that some people use to 'commute'.....

Lou: I didn't know that there was anyone still living in Binghampton, must less commuting from there. Those people are closer to Canada then Selkirk is.

I did look up that schedule. The trip takes three hours and forty five minutes. You double that and add is to the time of the workday and your out of the house for at least 18 hours.

Thanks for the news. I haven't heard anything about Binghampton since the "Lake Cites" stopped running.

Larry, RedbirdR33


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