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MAGABomber To Plead Guilty

Posted by JayZeeBMT on Fri Mar 15 16:40:36 2019

Cesar Sayoc, the domestic terrorist who mailed 16 pipe bombs to prominent Democrats, media personalities, and news agencies last fall, will plead guilty to his crimes in Manhattan federal court next week.

Sayoc, who was known for driving a van festooned from bumper to bumper with decals and banners supporting President Trump, targeted former Presidents Obama and Clinton, Sens. Kamala Harris and Cory Booker, and other Democratic political figures.

Had Sayoc been convicted of all charges at a trial, he would have faced life imprisonment.

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Re: MAGABomber To Plead Guilty

Posted by bingbong on Fri Mar 15 17:38:18 2019, in response to MAGABomber To Plead Guilty, posted by JayZeeBMT on Fri Mar 15 16:40:36 2019.

He should, regardless.

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Re: MAGABomber To Plead Guilty

Posted by JayZeeBMT on Fri Mar 15 18:02:04 2019, in response to Re: MAGABomber To Plead Guilty, posted by bingbong on Fri Mar 15 17:38:18 2019.

Notice the deafening silence from the usual suspects here on this...

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Re: MAGABomber To Plead Guilty

Posted by chicagomotorman on Fri Mar 15 18:04:34 2019, in response to Re: MAGABomber To Plead Guilty, posted by JayZeeBMT on Fri Mar 15 18:02:04 2019.

OK good. Happy?

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Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty

Posted by Olog-hai on Fri Mar 15 18:09:50 2019, in response to Re: MAGABomber To Plead Guilty, posted by chicagomotorman on Fri Mar 15 18:04:34 2019.

Nothing "MAGA" about this faker. Another false flag by the left.

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Re: MAGABomber To Plead Guilty

Posted by JayZeeBMT on Fri Mar 15 18:11:55 2019, in response to Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty, posted by Olog-hai on Fri Mar 15 18:09:50 2019.

Please post a credible link supporting your assertion that the MAGA Bomber, who, again, drove a vehicle covered with Trump decals, is part of a left-wing "false flag" plot.

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Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty

Posted by Olog-hai on Fri Mar 15 18:15:50 2019, in response to Re: MAGABomber To Plead Guilty, posted by JayZeeBMT on Fri Mar 15 18:11:55 2019.

LOL at you requesting credible links given what you post. Every mainstream story has the details; all of his bombs were fake, and his "conversion" to being a Trump fan after being a lifelong leftist was just too sudden.

We've been over this already. Unlike you, our memories stretch back a lot further than ten minutes.

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Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty

Posted by JayZeeBMT on Fri Mar 15 18:32:20 2019, in response to Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty, posted by Olog-hai on Fri Mar 15 18:15:50 2019.

He was no "lifelong leftist" and I'm sorry you feel that NYT, WaPo, and CNN aren't "credible links". The rest of the world does.

Today's NYT story, which I linked to in the OP, describes Sayoc's devices as exactly what they were, real pipe bombs. Where did you read of this "sudden conversion" to Trumpism that Sayoc "underwent"?

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Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty

Posted by Spider-Pig on Fri Mar 15 18:39:09 2019, in response to Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty, posted by JayZeeBMT on Fri Mar 15 18:32:20 2019.

The fact that he was an incompetent terrorist doesn't mean he's not a terrorist.

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Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty

Posted by chicagomotorman on Fri Mar 15 18:44:16 2019, in response to Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty, posted by Olog-hai on Fri Mar 15 18:15:50 2019.

I agree with your correction.

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Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty

Posted by JayZeeBMT on Fri Mar 15 18:46:51 2019, in response to Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty, posted by Spider-Pig on Fri Mar 15 18:39:09 2019.

I described him as a domestic terrorist in the OP.

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Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty

Posted by JayZeeBMT on Fri Mar 15 18:47:25 2019, in response to Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty, posted by chicagomotorman on Fri Mar 15 18:44:16 2019.

Then you are agreeing with a patent falsehood.

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Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty

Posted by Spider-Pig on Fri Mar 15 18:49:01 2019, in response to Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty, posted by chicagomotorman on Fri Mar 15 18:44:16 2019.


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Re: MAGABomber To Plead Guilty

Posted by Easy on Fri Mar 15 19:02:32 2019, in response to MAGABomber To Plead Guilty, posted by JayZeeBMT on Fri Mar 15 16:40:36 2019.

This is the new normal. I expect that we'll see lots more political terrorism and from so many diffierent angles that it will be hard to track who's upset about what.

We're overdue a huge war that will unite (or split) the country.

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Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty

Posted by Spider-Pig on Fri Mar 15 19:26:50 2019, in response to Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty, posted by JayZeeBMT on Fri Mar 15 18:46:51 2019.

Not disagreeing with you. I just wanted to respond to a sane person.

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Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty

Posted by Olog-hai on Fri Mar 15 20:12:08 2019, in response to Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty, posted by chicagomotorman on Fri Mar 15 18:44:16 2019.

They're trying to throw Sayoc's history down the memory hole. Don't ever let that happen.

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Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty

Posted by JayZeeBMT on Fri Mar 15 21:24:47 2019, in response to Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty, posted by Spider-Pig on Fri Mar 15 19:26:50 2019.

I appreciate that.

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Re: MAGABomber To Plead Guilty

Posted by Ftgreeneg on Fri Mar 15 22:35:24 2019, in response to Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty, posted by JayZeeBMT on Fri Mar 15 21:24:47 2019.

There you go changes the header back for you.

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Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty

Posted by bingbong on Fri Mar 15 23:17:53 2019, in response to Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty, posted by Olog-hai on Fri Mar 15 20:12:08 2019.

No, you're trying to make oneup so as to disassociate RWers andtrumpers from their violence. It's not go8ng to work. The 30+ year history of RW domestic terrorism can't be dismissed or ignored anymore. Enough is enough, it’s time to haul them in and face justice before more people pointlessly die.

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Re: MAGABomber To Plead Guilty

Posted by TRAIN DUDE on Sat Mar 16 00:38:36 2019, in response to Re: MAGABomber To Plead Guilty, posted by JayZeeBMT on Fri Mar 15 18:02:04 2019.

Geez are you pathetic. A Friday night and this is your whole fucking life. To post ridiculous political bait and then whine because you don't get the response that you were trawling for. I understand why you have no friends. What a fucking waste of life you are.

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Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Sat Mar 16 01:49:15 2019, in response to Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty, posted by Spider-Pig on Fri Mar 15 19:26:50 2019.

Ok, I'm here!

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Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Sat Mar 16 01:50:21 2019, in response to Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty, posted by bingbong on Fri Mar 15 23:17:53 2019.

But Olog is correct in regards to him.

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Re: MAGABomber To Plead Guilty

Posted by Fred G on Sat Mar 16 04:47:04 2019, in response to Re: MAGABomber To Plead Guilty, posted by TRAIN DUDE on Sat Mar 16 00:38:36 2019.

He posted that at 6 PM. Still plenty of time for dinner and dancing on a Friday night LOL

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Re: MAGABomber To Plead Guilty

Posted by TRAIN DUDE on Sat Mar 16 06:40:06 2019, in response to Re: MAGABomber To Plead Guilty, posted by Fred G on Sat Mar 16 04:47:04 2019.

Except for the 6+ posts he made between that post and mine.

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Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty

Posted by Olog-hai on Sat Mar 16 06:54:59 2019, in response to Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty, posted by BILLBKLYN on Sat Mar 16 01:50:21 2019.

Their memories don't stretch back further than the beginning of the year. That "MAGA bomber" narrative was blown to smithereens as soon as it was pushed. A mentally-ill man registers as "Republican" only in 2016, and all of the "bombs" he mails are (conveniently?) inoperative? How is it he was allowed to enter a plea in a court of law given his mental state?? Something is really wrong with much of the judicial system, and not in the way Obama and his minions claimed.

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Re: MAGABomber To Plead Guilty

Posted by JayZeeBMT on Sat Mar 16 07:02:52 2019, in response to Re: MAGABomber To Plead Guilty, posted by TRAIN DUDE on Sat Mar 16 06:40:06 2019.

If I feel like posting here on a Friday night, that's my own business, you sloshing bucket of horse diarrhea.

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Re: MAGABomber To Plead Guilty

Posted by TRAIN DUDE on Sat Mar 16 07:04:08 2019, in response to Re: MAGABomber To Plead Guilty, posted by JayZeeBMT on Sat Mar 16 07:02:52 2019.

LOL you no-life mother fucker, whine like a little cunt when you are ignored.

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Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty

Posted by Ftgreeneg on Sat Mar 16 07:05:29 2019, in response to Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty, posted by Olog-hai on Sat Mar 16 06:54:59 2019.

So all you have is he was a democrat bf...

You do realize there was a decent amount of ppl who voted for Obama that voted for Trump. So that means nothing. And yes his victims were lucky that this man was stupid(at least when it comes to making bombs). And if he was faking as you claimed the story would have crumbled by now. So no it's not that we 'forgot' it's that we believe the truth and not some crackpot theory that helps you sleep at night.

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Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty

Posted by TRAIN DUDE on Sat Mar 16 07:14:57 2019, in response to Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty, posted by Ftgreeneg on Sat Mar 16 07:05:29 2019.

The bottom line, either sick or criminal,liberal or conservative, this is one sick individual. He needs to be in jail or an institution. My problem is with the original cunt poster who tries to smear all Trump Supporters by calling him the magabomber. Could you imagine how that little cunt would whine if Jussie Smollett was referred to as the "little gay black faker" ? I guess, though, that identity hatred is all that he can bring to the party

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Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty

Posted by JayZeeBMT on Sat Mar 16 07:42:24 2019, in response to Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty, posted by TRAIN DUDE on Sat Mar 16 07:14:57 2019.

MSN calls Sayoc the MAGA Bomber.

Gee, so does the NY Daily News.

Holy shit, even the conservative Washington Examiner uses the term "MAGA Bomber".

I guess they're out to "smear all Trump supporters" too! OMG, it's a conspiracy! The left must have plastered all those Trump decals on Sayoc's van, too! You've solved the mystery!

Seriously, though, STFU, you pus-nutted donkey fucker.

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Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty

Posted by TRAIN DUDE on Sat Mar 16 07:48:41 2019, in response to Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty, posted by JayZeeBMT on Sat Mar 16 07:42:24 2019.

Why would you refer to your mother as a donkey?

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Re: MAGABomber To Plead Guilty

Posted by Dave on Sat Mar 16 07:56:24 2019, in response to Re: MAGABomber To Plead Guilty, posted by JayZeeBMT on Sat Mar 16 07:02:52 2019.

you sloshing bucket of horse diarrhea.

I'm glad I wasn't drinking coffee when I read this. LMAO!!

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Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty

Posted by Olog-hai on Sat Mar 16 08:05:27 2019, in response to Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty, posted by Ftgreeneg on Sat Mar 16 07:05:29 2019.

he was a democrat bf

He was a democrat boyfriend? Je suis désolé, mais je ne comprends pas.

there was a decent amount of ppl who voted for Obama that voted for Trump

This sounds very unlikely. Especially since Obama endorsed Hillary. But what does that have to do with what I said?

So no it's not that we 'forgot' it's that we believe the truth and not some crackpot theory that helps you sleep at night

Seems more like your argumentum ad lapidem and ignoring the facts helps you sleep at night.

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Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty

Posted by Ftgreeneg on Sat Mar 16 08:26:20 2019, in response to Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty, posted by TRAIN DUDE on Sat Mar 16 07:14:57 2019.

That much we agree on the bomber is a sick man.

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Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty

Posted by Ftgreeneg on Sat Mar 16 08:30:25 2019, in response to Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty, posted by Olog-hai on Sat Mar 16 08:05:27 2019.

What facts? Only fact you have is he used to be a democrat.

I don't need conspiracy theories to help me sleep at night. I sleep well with the truth inconvenient or not.

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Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty

Posted by JayZeeBMT on Sat Mar 16 09:00:33 2019, in response to Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty, posted by TRAIN DUDE on Sat Mar 16 07:48:41 2019.

LOL! If you had ever tried to come near my mother, let alone attempted to fuck her, she would have ripped your testicles off, shoved them down your throat and filleted your rib cage.

You are such a waste of DNA.

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Re: MAGABomber To Plead Guilty

Posted by JayZeeBMT on Sat Mar 16 09:15:40 2019, in response to Re: MAGABomber To Plead Guilty, posted by Dave on Sat Mar 16 07:56:24 2019.


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Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty

Posted by TRAIN DUDE on Sat Mar 16 10:21:08 2019, in response to Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty, posted by JayZeeBMT on Sat Mar 16 09:00:33 2019.

Hiw do you come to that conclusion? Look at the dork that she did let fuck her. But thank you for confirming that you were conceived anally.

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Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty

Posted by TRAIN DUDE on Sat Mar 16 10:24:28 2019, in response to Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty, posted by Ftgreeneg on Sat Mar 16 08:26:20 2019.

But you still believe that he is representative of all Trump supporters?

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Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty

Posted by Olog-hai on Sat Mar 16 11:24:45 2019, in response to Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty, posted by TRAIN DUDE on Sat Mar 16 10:24:28 2019.

They probably believe that Brenton Tarrant is representative of Trump supporters, even though he expressed contempt for Trump's leadership and policies, said "Conservatism is dead" and aligned himself politically with Red China (making him a Maoist). All in his manifesto.

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Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty

Posted by TRAIN DUDE on Sat Mar 16 13:01:53 2019, in response to Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty, posted by Olog-hai on Sat Mar 16 11:24:45 2019.

Funny how that's not been mentioned on CNN

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Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty

Posted by JayZeeBMT on Sat Mar 16 13:16:10 2019, in response to Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty, posted by Olog-hai on Sat Mar 16 11:24:45 2019.


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Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty

Posted by Fred G on Sat Mar 16 13:24:30 2019, in response to Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty, posted by JayZeeBMT on Sat Mar 16 07:42:24 2019.

The bomber is basically Orange Blossom Special so yeah he is a sick fuck but he’s also a Trumpist

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Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty

Posted by bingbong on Sat Mar 16 14:03:51 2019, in response to Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty, posted by Fred G on Sat Mar 16 13:24:30 2019.

But they're color- coordinated!

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Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty

Posted by Ftgreeneg on Sat Mar 16 15:52:58 2019, in response to Re: FakeBomber To Plead Guilty, posted by TRAIN DUDE on Sat Mar 16 10:24:28 2019.

No o don't believe he's a representative to all Trump supporters but I do believe Trump and the RW influencers that adopted his style of highly insulting and incendiary rhetoric does stir up the nutcases in his base.

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