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Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups

Posted by bingbong on Sat May 11 12:43:17 2013, in response to Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups, posted by Chris R16/R2730 on Sat May 11 12:39:57 2013.

By an agency headed by a bush appointee, done by non-political lifetime civil servants.

The problem here is in the law. Political groups should not be able to function within that law as non-profits. I don't see any teabaggers handing out food and making meals for the destitute. Do you? They are NOT a charity and should not be permitted to function as one.

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Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Sat May 11 14:29:17 2013, in response to Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups, posted by bingbong on Sat May 11 12:43:17 2013.

Well true ... but then again, they may qualify as a place for the mentally ill to go, to keep them off the street. :)

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Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups

Posted by salaamallah@hotmail.com on Sat May 11 14:37:07 2013, in response to Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups, posted by bingbong on Fri May 10 15:36:26 2013.


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Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups

Posted by AlM on Sat May 11 16:14:25 2013, in response to Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups, posted by Chris R16/R2730 on Sat May 11 12:39:57 2013.

First you say no. Then your next sentence in no way contradicts my post.

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Yep! Party purge! (Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups)

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Sat May 11 17:50:12 2013, in response to IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups, posted by Olog-hai on Fri May 10 13:53:11 2013.

Well ... well ... well. GOP Hot to Trotsky after all. :)

AP Exclusive: IRS knew tea party targeted in 2011
Updated 5:39 pm, Saturday, May 11, 2013

WASHINGTON (AP) — Senior Internal Revenue Service officials knew agents were targeting tea party groups as early as 2011, according to a draft of an inspector general's report obtained by The Associated Press that seemingly contradicts public statements by the IRS commissioner.

The IRS apologized Friday for what it acknowledged was "inappropriate" targeting of conservative political groups during the 2012 election to see if they were violating their tax-exempt status. The agency blamed low-level employees, saying no high-level officials were aware.

But on June 29, 2011, Lois G. Lerner, who heads the IRS division that oversees tax-exempt organizations, learned at a meeting that groups were being targeted, according to the watchdog's report. At the meeting, she was told that groups with "Tea Party," ''Patriot" or "9/12 Project" in their names were being flagged for additional and often burdensome scrutiny, the report says.

The 9-12 Project is a group started by conservative TV personality Glenn Beck.

Lerner instructed agents to change the criteria for flagging groups "immediately," the report says.

The Treasury Department's inspector general for tax administration is expected to release the results of a nearly yearlong investigation in the coming week. The AP obtained part of the draft report, which has been shared with congressional aides.

Among the other revelations, on Aug. 4, 2011, staffers in the IRS' Rulings and Agreements office "held a meeting with chief counsel so that everyone would have the latest information on the issue."

On Jan, 25, 2012, the criteria for flagging suspect groups was changed to, "political action type organizations involved in limiting/expanding Government, educating on the Constitution and Bill of Rights, social economic reform/movement," the report says.

While this was happening, several committees in Congress were writing numerous letters IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman to express concern because tea party groups were complaining of IRS harassment.

In Shulman's responses, he did not acknowledge targeting of tea party groups. At a congressional hearing March 22, 2012, Shulman was adamant in his denials.

"There's absolutely no targeting. This is the kind of back and forth that happens to people" who apply for tax-exempt status, Shulman said at the House Ways and Means subcommittee hearing.

The portion of the draft report reviewed by the AP does not say whether Shulman or anyone else in the Obama administration outside the IRS was informed of the targeting. It is standard procedure for agency heads to consult with staff before responding to congressional inquiries, but it is unclear how much information Shulman sought.

The IRS has not said when Shulman found out that Tea Party groups were targeted.

Shulman was appointed by President George W. Bush, a Republican. His 6-year term ended in November. President Barack Obama has yet to nominate a successor. The agency is now run by an acting commissioner, Steven Miller.

The IRS said in a statement Saturday that the agency believes the timeline in the IG's report is correct, and supports what officials said Friday.

"IRS senior leadership was not aware of this level of specific details at the time of the March 2012 hearing," the statement said. "The timeline does not contradict the commissioner's testimony. While exempt organizations officials knew of the situation earlier, the timeline reflects that IRS senior leadership did not have this level of detail."

Lerner's position is three levels below the commissioner.

"The timeline supports what the IRS acknowledged on Friday that mistakes were made," the statement continued. "There were not partisan reasons behind this."

Rep. Charles Boustany, R-La., chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee's oversight subcommittee, said the report "raises serious questions as to who at IRS, Treasury and in the administration knew about this, why this practice was allowed to continue for as long as it did, and how widespread it was."

"This timeline reveals at least two extremely unethical actions by the IRS. One, as early as 2010, they targeted groups for political purposes. Two, they willfully and knowingly lied to Congress for years despite being aware that Congress was investigating this practice," Boustany said.

"This is an outrageous abuse of power. Going after organizations for referencing the Bill of Rights or expressing the intent to make this country a better place is repugnant," Boustany added. "There is no excuse for this behavior."

Several congressional committees have promised investigations, including the Ways and Means Committee, which plans to hold a hearing.

On Friday, White House spokesman Jay Carney said the administration expected the inspector general to conduct a thorough investigation, but he brushed aside calls for the White House itself to investigate.

Many conservative groups complained during the 2012 election that they were being harassed by the IRS. They accused the agency of frustrating their attempts to become tax exempt by sending them lengthy, intrusive questionnaires.

The forms, which the groups have made available, sought information about group members' political activities, including details of their postings on social networking websites and about family members.

In some cases, the IRS acknowledged, agents inappropriately asked for lists of donors.

There has been a surge of politically active groups claiming tax-exempt status in recent elections — conservative and liberal. Among the highest profile are Republican Karl Rove's group Crossroads GPS and the liberal Moveon.org.

These groups claim tax-exempt status under section 501 (c) (4) of the federal tax code, which is for social welfare groups. Unlike other charitable groups, these organizations are allowed to participate in political activities, but their primary activity must be social welfare.

That determination is up to the IRS.

The number of groups filing for this tax-exempt status more than doubled from 2010 to 2012, to more than 3,400. To handle the influx, the IRS centralized its review of these applications in an office in Cincinnati.

Lerner said on Friday this was done to develop expertise among staffers and consistency in their reviews. As part of the review, staffers look for signs that groups are participating in political activity. If so, IRS agents take a closer look to make sure that politics isn't the group's primary activity.

As part of this process, agents in Cincinnati came up with a list of things to look for in an application. As part of the list, they included the words "tea party" and "patriot," Lerner said.

"It's the line people that did it without talking to managers," Lerner told the AP on Friday. "They're IRS workers, they're revenue agents."

In all, about 300 groups were singled out for additional review, Lerner said. Of those, about a quarter were singled out because they had "tea party" or "patriot" somewhere in their applications.

Lerner said 150 of the cases have been closed and no group had its tax-exempt status revoked, though some withdrew their applications.

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Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups

Posted by Olog-hai on Sat May 11 18:24:25 2013, in response to Yep! Party purge! (Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups), posted by SelkirkTMO on Sat May 11 17:50:12 2013.

Expand on "party purge". This looks like a rehash of what I posted.

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Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Sat May 11 18:32:20 2013, in response to Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups, posted by Olog-hai on Sat May 11 18:24:25 2013.

Heh. OK, we'll do it again REAL slow ... :)

While this was happening, several committees in Congress were writing numerous letters IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman to express concern because tea party groups were complaining of IRS harassment.

Direct knowledge of what was going on by first in command. It continued, and he denied what his own chief counsel met over. It doesn't get any more deliberate than that.

Have you ever worked in government administration? I have ...

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Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups

Posted by cortelyounext on Sat May 11 20:13:44 2013, in response to Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups, posted by SelkirkTMO on Fri May 10 18:54:41 2013.

LuchAAA still refuses to engage me in my All In with Chris Hayes and Now with Alex Wagner threads. His silence speaks volumes.

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Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Sat May 11 20:16:11 2013, in response to Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups, posted by cortelyounext on Sat May 11 20:13:44 2013.

He can only get all worked up over one thing at a time. Please have a seat over there and wait for your number to be called or I'll have to release the hounds. :)

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Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups

Posted by Train Dude on Sun May 12 01:55:39 2013, in response to Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups, posted by SelkirkTMO on Sat May 11 01:12:06 2013.

I know that your argument is a loser when you resort to posting ridiculous photos.

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Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups

Posted by Olog-hai on Sun May 12 01:59:12 2013, in response to Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups, posted by Train Dude on Sun May 12 01:55:39 2013.

That's called liberal surrender.

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Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Sun May 12 02:01:46 2013, in response to Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups, posted by Train Dude on Sun May 12 01:55:39 2013.

You might want to lurk more first. Your shit got blowed the fuck up. Go read.

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Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Sun May 12 02:02:27 2013, in response to Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups, posted by Olog-hai on Sun May 12 01:59:12 2013.

No, it's called dumbass republicans don't "Before posting.. think twice!" Look below.

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Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups

Posted by Fred G on Sun May 12 10:19:36 2013, in response to Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups, posted by Train Dude on Sun May 12 01:55:39 2013.



your pal,

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Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups

Posted by Train Dude on Sun May 12 10:27:23 2013, in response to Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups, posted by Fred G on Sun May 12 10:19:36 2013.

My comments were directed directly to Kevin, with whom I've been sparring long enough to know when he's done. The photos are his major "Tell". Kevin's other two "TELLS" are equally obvious.

As for the photo, that's not a ridiculous photo since the purpose is to highlight the one word response. I must say that I like my version better. My "tell" is not the posting of a photo, though.

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Liberals attack (IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups)

Posted by Olog-hai on Sun May 12 10:28:46 2013, in response to IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups, posted by Olog-hai on Fri May 10 13:53:11 2013.

Time Magazine / Swampland

In the Arena
IRS Mess

By Joe Klein
May 11, 2013
The Internal Revenue Service’s targeting of conservative groups is outrageous. Those who did this should be fired immediately. That’s obvious.

It continues a slovenly week for Barack Obama. The President has been very proud of the absence of scandal in his administration, and rightly so. The inability of his opponents to find any significant corruption in the historic $800 billion stimulus package was a real achievement, given the speed of the payout. None of his top aides have been caught up in taking bribes while in office–although their race through the revolving door into lucrative private sector positions is well beyond nauseating.

As in most presidencies, there have been an awful lot of political hacks populating the mid-reaches of this Administration. In the Obama instance, these have shown an anachronistic, pre-Clinton liberal bias when it comes to the rules and regulations governing many of our safety net programs, like social security disability. And now they have violated one of the more sacred rules of our democracy: you do not use the tax code to punish your opponents.
Lois G. Lerner, the IRS official who oversees tax-exempt groups, said the “absolutely inappropriate” actions by “front-line people” were not driven by partisan motives.
Does anyone actually believe this?

Yet again, we have an example of Democrats simply not managing the government properly and with discipline. This is just poisonous at a time of skepticism about the efficacy of government. And the President should know this: the absence of scandal is not the presence of competence. His unwillingness to concentrate–and I mean concentrate obsessively–on making sure that government is managed efficiently will be part of his legacy.

Previous Presidents, including great ones like Roosevelt, have used the IRS against their enemies. But I don’t think Barack Obama ever wanted to be on the same page as Richard Nixon. In this specific case, he now is.

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Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups

Posted by Fred G on Sun May 12 10:31:34 2013, in response to Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups, posted by Train Dude on Sun May 12 10:27:23 2013.

I'm "just sayin" LOL

Oh, and "bullshit" is in the top 5 best words in the English language.

your pal,

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Re: Liberals attack (IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups)

Posted by Train Dude on Sun May 12 10:37:44 2013, in response to Liberals attack (IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups), posted by Olog-hai on Sun May 12 10:28:46 2013.

The fact is that on OTChat, everything is easily explained by progressives by a "one line" insult or an attack on the messenger. In the real world, it ain't so easy. Even our so called progressives are realizing that the obamites have had better weeks between Benghazi, the IRS, the economy and obamacare. What obama has traditionally done when the shit has hit the fan, is duck for cover by raising another issue. Unfortunately, he's running out of safe places to duck behind. I suspect that for the conservatives, this is going to be a fun place for the next few weeks. Too bad summer out door activities will take so much time away from here. Then again - I love summer time

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Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups

Posted by Train Dude on Sun May 12 10:39:28 2013, in response to Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups, posted by Fred G on Sun May 12 10:31:34 2013.

"Oh, and "bullshit" is in the top 5 best words in the English language."

With good reason. It gets right to the heart of the matter.

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Re: Liberals attack (IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups)

Posted by Fred G on Sun May 12 10:45:46 2013, in response to Re: Liberals attack (IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups), posted by Train Dude on Sun May 12 10:37:44 2013.

The fact is that on OTChat, everything is easily explained by progressives by a "one line" insult or an attack on the messenger.

Take a look at whom you're responding to. Calling him a basket case is being charitable.

I also like when you get cocky before issues are resolved. It usually turns into an Aesopian lesson.

your pal,

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Re: Liberals attack (IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups)

Posted by Train Dude on Sun May 12 10:53:36 2013, in response to Re: Liberals attack (IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups), posted by Fred G on Sun May 12 10:45:46 2013.

Hardly getting cocky. Just giddy with anticipation. Actually with travel and work considerations, I may be too scarce around here over the summer to join in on the festivities.

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Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups

Posted by orange blossom special on Sun May 12 11:02:43 2013, in response to Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups, posted by SelkirkTMO on Sat May 11 18:32:20 2013.

Yea, and the Commissioner in his photograph doesn't look at the camera just as his welcome orientation video has him looking off into some random corner of the room.

Does that mean he's hiding something?

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Re: Liberals attack (IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups)

Posted by Fred G on Sun May 12 11:28:14 2013, in response to Re: Liberals attack (IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups), posted by Train Dude on Sun May 12 10:53:36 2013.

Yeah, seen it. And then Obama won the election. And then Fast and Furious wasn't much of anything. But yeah, summer is going to be a busy one.

your pal,

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Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Sun May 12 13:52:35 2013, in response to Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups, posted by Fred G on Sun May 12 10:31:34 2013.

Ya just gotta love a guy who posts bullshit and then claims everybody else is. :)

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Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups

Posted by Fred G on Sun May 12 13:56:51 2013, in response to Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups, posted by SelkirkTMO on Sun May 12 13:52:35 2013.

Major hypocrisy.

your pal,

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Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Sun May 12 13:57:04 2013, in response to Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups, posted by orange blossom special on Sun May 12 11:02:43 2013.

He's keeping an eye on Glenn Beck. :)

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Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Sun May 12 14:06:04 2013, in response to Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups, posted by Fred G on Sun May 12 13:56:51 2013.

Ah for the days when it was worth the effort to look shit up and prove statements here. But I've learned well over the years ... just give them the AM radio treatment: Fast insult and next caller. :)

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Re: Liberals attack (IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups)

Posted by SMAZ on Sun May 12 14:20:45 2013, in response to Re: Liberals attack (IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups), posted by Train Dude on Sun May 12 10:53:36 2013.

Just giddy with anticipation.

anticipation to find out that Rove ordered his IRS cronies to destroy the Tea Party?

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Re: Liberals attack (IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups)

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Sun May 12 14:30:48 2013, in response to Re: Liberals attack (IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups), posted by SMAZ on Sun May 12 14:20:45 2013.

And Priebus just brought Rove back to FINISH them. :)

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Story develops! (Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups)

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Mon May 13 01:32:48 2013, in response to IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups, posted by Olog-hai on Fri May 10 13:53:11 2013.

More details emerge after Reuters reviews the documents, some good news for righties in here too now that an actual news organization that doesn't have skin in the game reports:

IRS kept shifting targets in tax-exempt groups scrutiny: report
By Kevin Drawbaugh and Kim Dixon
WASHINGTON | Mon May 13, 2013 12:16am EDT

(Reuters) - When tax agents started singling out non-profit groups for extra scrutiny in 2010, they looked at first only for key words such as 'Tea Party,' but later they focused on criticisms by groups of "how the country is being run," according to investigative findings reviewed by Reuters on Sunday.

Over two years, IRS field office agents repeatedly changed their criteria while sifting through thousands of applications from groups seeking tax-exempt status to select ones for possible closer examination, the findings showed.

At one point, the agents chose to screen applications from groups focused on making "America a better place to live."

Exactly who at the IRS made the decisions to start applying extra scrutiny was not clear from the findings, which were contained in portions of an investigative report from the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA).

Expected to be made public this week, the report was obtained in part by Reuters over the weekend as a full-blown scandal involving the IRS scrutiny widened, embarrassing the agency and distracting the Obama administration.

In one part of the report, TIGTA officials observed that the application screening effort showed "confusion about how to process the applications, delays in the processing of the applications, and a lack of management oversight and guidance."

After brewing for months, the IRS effort exploded into wider view on Friday when Lois Lerner, director of exempt organizations for the IRS, apologized for what she called the "inappropriate" targeting of conservative groups for closer scrutiny, something the agency had long denied.

At a legal conference in Washington, while taking questions from the audience, Lerner said the agency was sorry.

She said the screening practice was confined to an IRS office in Cincinnati; that it was "absolutely not" influenced by the Obama administration; and that none of the targeted groups was denied tax-free status.

It is clear from the TIGTA findings that Lerner was informed in June 2011 that the extra scrutiny was occurring. Key words in the names of groups - including 'Tea Party,' "Patriot' and '9/12' - were being used to choose applications, TIGTA found.

"Issues" criteria were also used, TIGTA found. Scrutiny was being given to references to "Government spending, Government debt, or taxes; Education of the public via advocacy/lobbying to 'make America a better place to live;' and Statements in the case file (that) criticize how the country is being run."

Under these early criteria, more than 100 tax-exempt applications had been identified, according to TIGTA.

Briefed on the practice, Lerner ordered changes.


By July 2011, the IRS was no longer targeting just groups with certain key words in their names. Rather, the screening criteria had changed to "organizations involved with political, lobbying, or advocacy."

But then it changed again in January 2012 to cover "political action type organizations involved in limiting/expanding government, educating on the constitution and bill of rights, social economic reform/movement," according to the findings contained in a Treasury Department watchdog report.

In March 2012, after Tea Party groups complained about delays in processing of their applications, then-IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman was called to testify by a congressional committee. He denied that the IRS was targeting tax-exempt groups based on their politics.

The IRS said on Saturday that senior IRS executives were not aware of the screening process. The documents reviewed by Reuters do not show that Shulman had any role.

In May 2012, the criteria for scrutiny were revised again to cover a variety of tax-exempt groups "with indicators of significant amounts of political campaign intervention (raising questions as to exempt purpose and/or excess private benefit)," according to a TIGTA timeline included in the findings.


Each year the IRS reviews as many as 60,000 applications from groups ranging from charities to labor unions that want to be classified as tax-exempt. "Social welfare" groups dedicated to the general good can be tax-exempt under tax law 501(c)4.

These groups do not have to disclose the identities of their donors and they can spend money on advertising for general issues, but they may not endorse specific candidates or parties.

The U.S. Supreme Court's January 2010 "Citizens United" ruling unleashed a torrent of new political spending and 501(c)4 groups became a popular conduit for some of it, on both ends of the political spectrum, but especially for conservatives.

The number of applications sent to the IRS by groups seeking 501(c)4 status rose to 3,400 in 2012 from 1,500 in 2010. As money poured into 501(c)4 groups, campaign finance activists began to raise questions and demanded a crackdown by the IRS.

(Reporting by Kevin Drawbaugh, Kim Dixon and Patrick Temple-West; Editing by Eric Walsh)

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Re: Story develops! (Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups)

Posted by Chris R16/R2730 on Mon May 13 04:35:15 2013, in response to Story develops! (Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups), posted by SelkirkTMO on Mon May 13 01:32:48 2013.

The Washington Post has also been all over this. Except for MSNBC and the NYT, the media has treated this story rather fairly.

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Re: Story develops! (Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups)

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Mon May 13 04:41:36 2013, in response to Re: Story develops! (Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups), posted by Chris R16/R2730 on Mon May 13 04:35:15 2013.

Sorry, I get my news from subchat. :)

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Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups

Posted by RIPTA42HopeTunnel on Mon May 13 07:40:24 2013, in response to IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups, posted by Olog-hai on Fri May 10 13:53:11 2013.

Seems like a sound strategy. Common sense says groups whose focus is taxes are unfair would be more likely to cheat on their taxes.

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Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups

Posted by Olog-hai on Mon May 13 15:17:25 2013, in response to Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups, posted by RIPTA42HopeTunnel on Mon May 13 07:40:24 2013.

So you are pro-profiling, then? OK.

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Lawsuit threatened (IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups)

Posted by Olog-hai on Mon May 13 15:20:34 2013, in response to IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups, posted by Olog-hai on Fri May 10 13:53:11 2013.


Tea party groups threaten to sue IRS

By Lauren French | 5/13/13 6:25 AM EDT | Updated: 5/13/13 2:12 PM EDT
Tea party groups on Monday are threatening to sue the Internal Revenue Service after the agency admitted last week that it wrongly targeted conservative groups applying for nonprofit status.

“We are looking at it pretty seriously,” said Dan Backer, a lawyer who represents a half dozen conservative groups targeted by the IRS, including Combat Veterans Training Group and TheTeaParty.net. “Given the sheer scope of maleficence at the IRS, there may be a legal recourse.”

Backer said the IRS asked some of his clients for donor lists and extensive information from their Facebook pages.

The agency has maintained that although its actions were inappropriate, laws weren’t broken.

The IRS said on Friday that it inappropriately subjected groups applying for nonprofit status to extra scrutiny if their applications included terms such as “tea party” or “patriot.”

It became clear Monday that the practice was broader. Groups hoping to make “America a better place to live” and focused on government spending and debt were also targeted, according to drafts of a watchdog agency’s report, which is set to be released this week and was obtained by Politico.

As early as March 2010, the agency’s so-called determinations unit began targeting conservative groups. Lois Lerner, the IRS official in charge of nonprofits, told reporters Friday that the decision to include “tea party” and “patriot” as search terms was made by low-level field reporters in Cincinnati.

But a few months after the targeting program began, a Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration report found that the “determinations unit management requested its specialists to be on the lookout for tea party applications.”

The inspector general found no evidence that then-IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman knew of the targeting when he adamantly denied at a congressional hearing in March 2012 that the program existed.

The report does appear to contradict what Lerner told reporters on Friday about when she first discovered the targeting. On a conference call, Lerner implied that she first began inquiring with her staff during the run-up to the November presidential elections — when she read about conservative groups complaining that the agency was in some cases asking for donor or member lists.

But the TIGTA report said Lerner learned about the program at a June 29, 2011, briefing. Lerner raised concerns about the language used to flag groups for additional scrutiny during that meeting, the report said.

In January 2012, the criterion was changed to “political action-type organizations involved in limiting/expanding government, educating on the Constitution and Bill of Rights, social economic reform/movement.” This change was put in place because the field officers felt previous search terms were “too generic,” the report says.

In May 2012, the agency informed the groups that it would destroy “some of the inappropriately collected information.”

The issue has enraged congressional Republicans and has prompted House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) and House Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp (R-Mich.) to promise hearings into the matter.

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) also pledged a “full investigation into this matter.”

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Re: Lawsuit threatened (IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups)

Posted by AlM on Mon May 13 16:37:50 2013, in response to Lawsuit threatened (IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups), posted by Olog-hai on Mon May 13 15:20:34 2013.

If they can prove the IRS violated the law and that they suffered damages, they certainly should get compensation as a result.

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Re: Liberals attack (IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups)

Posted by orange blossom special on Mon May 13 17:40:02 2013, in response to Re: Liberals attack (IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups), posted by Train Dude on Sun May 12 10:37:44 2013.

joe klein needs some stimulus funded viagara with how stupid that piece is. Which is saying something given what we normally expect of him.

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Re: Story develops! (Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups)

Posted by orange blossom special on Mon May 13 17:42:31 2013, in response to Story develops! (Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups), posted by SelkirkTMO on Mon May 13 01:32:48 2013.

It's almost as fun as the old scandal where they were making the IRS pay out tons of money to illegals.

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Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups

Posted by orange blossom special on Mon May 13 17:49:49 2013, in response to Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups, posted by Chris R16/R2730 on Sat May 11 03:57:12 2013.

I'd like to see who in the federal service has any ability or empowerment to do anything on their own.
I call bullcrap on this standard line of blaming some 'low level' employee. I'd like to find the person. Because that sounds like an arrestable felony from my understanding.

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Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups

Posted by AlM on Mon May 13 17:52:53 2013, in response to Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups, posted by orange blossom special on Mon May 13 17:49:49 2013.

I call bullcrap on this standard line of blaming some 'low level' employee.

Well, your obvious high level suspect is the Commissioner of the IRS.

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Re: Story develops! (Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups)

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Mon May 13 18:04:22 2013, in response to Re: Story develops! (Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups), posted by orange blossom special on Mon May 13 17:42:31 2013.

I'm kinda enjoying this story myself ... sorta compensates for all those trips down to IRS under Nixon when I was on HIS list. :)

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Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Mon May 13 18:05:54 2013, in response to Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups, posted by AlM on Mon May 13 17:52:53 2013.

... A BUSH appointee.

However, Reuters investigated and actually READ those documents, and turns out nobody bothered to talk to him about it. Plausible deniability in his case since he apparently only picked up his check and did little else. :(

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Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups

Posted by AlM on Mon May 13 18:43:39 2013, in response to Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups, posted by SelkirkTMO on Mon May 13 18:05:54 2013.

... A BUSH appointee.

You spoiled my fun. :(

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Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Mon May 13 18:49:12 2013, in response to Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups, posted by AlM on Mon May 13 18:43:39 2013.

Sorry ... they've got their talking points, and they're sticking to them anyway. Figured I'd toss a cookie their way so I can do like them and link back to being impartial. Heh.

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Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups

Posted by orange blossom special on Mon May 13 20:46:00 2013, in response to Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups, posted by AlM on Mon May 13 17:52:53 2013.

If that's your obvious conclusion after learning about how things really work, I'm not one to argue with you further.

All employees of the IRS are executive branch employees.

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Re: IRS official confesses that she is ''not good at math'', creates PR gaffe

Posted by Mr Mabstoa on Mon May 13 20:52:33 2013, in response to IRS official confesses that she is "not good at math", creates PR gaffe, posted by Olog-hai on Fri May 10 16:29:50 2013.

Math is not important anymore with the IRS.

Medical background is more important!

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Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups

Posted by Mr Mabstoa on Mon May 13 20:55:50 2013, in response to Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups, posted by Fred G on Fri May 10 20:17:24 2013.

Makes someone realize why there is no flat tax.

The Tax System is how politicians directly control us.

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Re: IRS official confesses that she is ''not good at math'', creates PR gaffe

Posted by Olog-hai on Mon May 13 22:42:40 2013, in response to Re: IRS official confesses that she is ''not good at math'', creates PR gaffe, posted by Mr Mabstoa on Mon May 13 20:52:33 2013.

Medical background? What for, triage?

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Re: IRS official confesses that she is ''not good at math'', creates PR gaffe

Posted by Mr Mabstoa on Mon May 13 22:54:46 2013, in response to Re: IRS official confesses that she is ''not good at math'', creates PR gaffe, posted by Olog-hai on Mon May 13 22:42:40 2013.

ObamaCare baby..........

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Re: IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups

Posted by Train Dude on Mon May 13 23:29:21 2013, in response to IRS apologizes for going after conservative, Tea Party and Republican groups, posted by Olog-hai on Fri May 10 13:53:11 2013.

Lets see now - IRS admits to wrong doing on Friday and today the president says "If it's true......". The man is a clown.

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