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Re: Study: People who eat organic food are more likely to be nasty jerks

Posted by Spider-Pig on Sun May 27 17:23:30 2012, in response to Re: Study: People who eat organic food are more likely to be nasty jerks, posted by AEM-7AC #901 on Sun May 27 16:44:56 2012.

Drivers who are super aggressive are worlds better if they know what they're doing.

These things grind my gears (not literally, as I drive an automatic):

1. Lethargic passing, where the driver in one lane is passing the driver in another, but is taking his merry time doing so.
2. Undeserved cutoffs, where the driver cuts you off but does not drive faster than you. Where the other driver is faster I find that entirely acceptable.
3. People who stay in the left lane when done passing.
4. People who only speed up when you express your intention to cut in front of them (i.e. they only drive aggressively to screw others over, and not to improve themselves)
5. People who "courteously" yield the right of way despite them having it. Most common at four way stops signs, which despite their ubiquity remain an enigma to too many people. This applies to pedestrians as well. If I stop for you, CROSS THE FUCKING STREET!
6. Related to that, drivers who have none of stopping for pedestrians while turning and decide to turn around you.
7. Drivers who have "crosswalk blindness." This one is as a pedestrian.
8. Drivers turning left who, when the light turns green, wait at the stop line for their turn and do not enter the intersection until ready to turn.
9. Drivers who do not pay attention to mid-intersection lane shifts (e.g. at Park Row southbound at Spruce)
10. Drivers who drive in the snow or heavy rain with their blinkers on.
11. Drivers who are scared to pass a truck or bus on the Goethals Bridge but don't bother changing into the lane behind the truck or bus.
12. Drivers who turn right from the middle of a single lane (each way or one way) street instead of pulling in alongside the curb. Also applies to left turns in the case of a one way street. I was struck by such an idiot once.
13. Cyclists riding illegally. This one is recent, related to all of the anti-motorist concessions by the NYC Department of Cycling (formerly Transportation). It is also almost entirely as a pedestrian rather than as a driver. It DOES NOT apply to cyclists riding legally in the street.

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