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Re: ARTICLE: New Normal: Majority Of Unemployed Attended College

Posted by Concourse Express on Fri May 25 18:03:14 2012, in response to Re: ARTICLE: New Normal: Majority Of Unemployed Attended College, posted by SLRT on Fri May 25 15:50:03 2012.

when level of education simply gives one a competitive advantage it stands to reason that the higher the general level of education, the less the advantage of attaining any particular level.

This is true only to an extent. Yes, more students in college (and more college grads) means the value of certain degrees (i.e. associate/bachelor degrees) drops a bit. However, it remains true that not all students can handle Master's/Doctorate level work; hence, those degrees may still offer significant advantages over the lower-level degrees.

When I was a kid, a high school diploma still meant something and there weren't many ordinary administrative/clerical jobs that required college.

I believe you. What's sad is we're already approaching the days where you can replace high school diploma with bachelor's degree...

Education educates and provides credentials, it doesn't create jobs.

It may not create jobs, but it should give students some preparation for jobs; this is especially true of selective degrees where the knowledge and skills attained are applied in the field.

In reality, the post-graduate employment problem is a confluence of several smaller-scale problems: schools that fail to adequately prepare students, students who fail to take college, the courses, and/or the opportunities afforded therein seriously (plus those who aren't able to handle the load and thus drop out, often in debt), employers requiring degrees for jobs that don't necessarily require them, high tuition costs which lend themselves to the student loan problem, etc.

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