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Re: Seek To Lift Propaganda Ban

Posted by SLRT on Sun May 20 09:03:22 2012, in response to Seek To Lift Propaganda Ban, posted by dand124 on Sat May 19 23:18:18 2012.

Interesting on several accounts.

Propaganda has been associated with lies but that's not necessarily true. So would the Pentagon and State Department be able to provide true but POV material now prohibited, or would they be able to outright lie.

We see propaganda all the time. Newspaper articles and especially editorials; political ads can be pretty extreme. "Editorial judgment" is often used to propagate particular opinions. It was noted that whitehouse,gov has added "Did You Know" material to the previous neutral biographies of American Presidents, talking about how Obama is carrying on the legacy of various former presidents, including Reagan. Is it true? Perhaps. Is it POV? Definitely. Is it propaganda? Yes, by definition. But we know the source, and can judge accordingly.

Do I trust that the Pentagon and the State Department would disseminate only true material? I do not, but I would also like access to their writing. Remember that the "Pentagon Papers," probably the most accurate single source on U.S. thinking and involvement on the Vietnam War, was written by the Pentagon for its own use.

Remember that in the same era, I.F. Stone's Weekly, which I subscribed to back in the day, had interesting and mostly true material, but the man was also a propagandist for the Soviet Union, which we learned when the USSR fell. This betrayed a POV that would have been useful if we had known about it at the time.

The main thing I would look for is that the material disseminated is identified as to source.


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