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Re: Ron Paul to cease active campaigning

Posted by Henry R32 #3730 on Mon May 14 20:46:25 2012, in response to Ron Paul to cease active campaigning, posted by Olog-hai on Mon May 14 15:08:56 2012.

That kindof sucks... hopefully he runs 3rd party. Otherwise the choices are:
Romney: Clueless fuck who would probably sell his vote for a pack of smokes
Obama: Can't play the game well enough to force the Republicans to play ball, folds too easily and lacks followthrough (why is Gitmo still open?? Where is the public option for Obamacare, which would have actually put it in the "better" category? Why was national HSR a major campaigning point and yet the only project that has any hope of completion is constantly in danger of getting cancelled?).

If Ron Paul as an independent were to actually get in office, he would not be able to actually accomplish anything, but that is actually what we need at this point: the partisan politics is making everything worse, and a message needs to be sent. Democrats want to take away guns (the last line of defense against a corrupt government) and add more taxes, and are headed straight towards "a government big enough to give you everything you want, can take everything you have" (which seems to be the OWS goal). Republicans want to take away domestic services (and dare I say even *lives*) by cutting taxes while spending what little is left on keeping our status quo of "world police," despite the fact that we are overextending ourselves. There are also the Republican extremists who are all about legislating morality.
And *both* sides seem to agree on taking away due process and unincumbered travel by perpetuating things like PATRIOT and the TSA. And both like to simultaneously spend money on fighting the "war on drugs" and "war on terror", where a good chunk of the funding for the terrorists comes from illegal drug money. By legalizing the mostly harmless drugs like marijuana, you manage to cut terrorist funding, massively reduce prison populations, create a new tax revenue stream and allow the ATF, DEA & FBI to focus on more important things like cults, heroin and actual terrorist plots.

Is there anything from the Bill of Rights that isn't under attack? Well, I don't *think* anyone's been told to quarter some troops...


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