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Re: HBD -- Farming and Inheritance

Posted by JayMan on Tue May 1 14:53:41 2012, in response to Re: HBD -- Farming and Inheritance, posted by SMAZ on Tue May 1 14:17:10 2012.

Seriously, where do I begin:

>>>>In fact, something like that may have occurred with Southern Italian migration: not necessarily to Northern Italy, but to the United States. Italian Americans, who are overwhelmingly of Southern Italian origin, have an average IQ of about 100, significantly smarter than those in the Old Country, and indeed, as a group, Italian-Americans have done well here.

And you somehow know what the average IQs of Southern Italians were BEFORE the great migration to the US between roughly 1880-1924?

ALL sorts of Southerners moved to the US back then. The smart, the average and the idiots.
After modern Northern Italian agricultural practices wiped out the Southern economy after Unification, they basically had no choice and landowners and the Italian Government were PAYING them to leave for America because they didn't want them up North and were afraid of riots if they stayed put in the economically-destroyed South.

Certainly interesting. But today, we have:

Average IQ of Italian Americans (predominantly Southern Italian): 100
Average IQ of Southern Italians in Italy: ranging from 96-90

As well:

>>>>It appears that some intense selection was in play for those emigrating to the States. This process was likely also at work within Italy itself and the rest of the Europe, but genetic evidence demonstrate that migration alone couldn't be responsible for the observed differences in the average IQ among modern Italians.

It appears? Appears from what? Because some fuck whose never left his living room or lecture hall in his life said so?

No, because the data says so:

(Northern Italians white
Central Italians green diamonds
"Southern" Italians [Italian Americans] yellow):

Northern and Southern Italians are genetically distinct populations, as seen from these genetic markers. Brain drain couldn't be solely responsible for the observed IQ differences because they don't genetically cluster together, which they would if the north of Italy was full of smart Southern Italians.

>>>>Cities in general are too small units of the general population to be representative of the overall average IQ.

A city of more than 8 million is too small to be representative but regions of less than a million somehow make for perfect sampling?

Make up your mind.

Don't be obtuse, clearly all the residents of NYC are a mere fraction of the source populations from which the city drew its inhabitants.

>>>In the States, Hawaii, which is a fairly well-off place economically, has a lower than average White IQ. Is that due to brain drain, or to massive amounts of Portuguese immigration?

It's due to a lucrative tourism industry plus the military complex and related jobs.

My point is that the lowered White IQ of Hawaii couldn't be due to brain drain, as where did the brains drain to?

>>>Indeed, but it is these forces that created the selective pressures that raised average IQs to their modern levels.

How? Medicine went nowhere until the 19th century.

Because people in the lower classes (who were primarily the ignoramuses of society), lacking access to the posh life of the rich, died off in significant numbers or typically failed to raise a lot of healthy children to adulthood. In effect, modern technology, which has greatly improved the quality of life of people, has—in a tragic irony—been lowering the average IQ of the population by allowing the poor and stupid to survive and breed, something that was a lot harder in days gone by.

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