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Re: God Loved Andrew Breitbart So Much

Posted by Dave on Fri Mar 2 11:28:27 2012, in response to Re: God Loved Andrew Breitbart So Much, posted by bingbong on Fri Mar 2 10:00:22 2012.

Nancy, why do you continue making this stuff up as you go along?

For starters, how did you know he didn't have insurance before he first exhibited heart problems last year? If that was the case (likely, given his age), his insurance would have covered treatment.

Second, even with a pre-existing medical condition, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) limits the amount of time and specific circumstances under which coverage for an individual with a pre-existing condition can be lawfully denied. I believe the time period is twelve months. So if he had the policy in force for 12 months after the initial diagnosis, his insurer would have to pay.


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