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Re: GP38/R42 Chris is silent Re: Those atheists are at it again

Posted by gp38/r42 chris on Fri Jul 29 20:15:21 2011, in response to Re: GP38/R42 Chris is silent Re: Those atheists are at it again, posted by Dand124 on Fri Jul 29 19:58:17 2011.

It’s a Japanese flag at Pearl Harbor the very thing you said was offensive.

LOL!!! try and grasp some more straws as you continue to sink. there's nothing wrong with japan flying THEIR flag on THEIR ships that are participating in a multicountry, biannual event.

It wouldn’t surprise me if the Japanese flag is flown over the naval base at Pearl Harbor as well.

so show it to us, all you did was show us flags on Japanese vessels participating in a multi-nation event.

Ok, if there are going to be religious symbols at “ground zero” (and I don’t want there to be) than peaceful, law abiding Muslims have a right to be represented

there's no 'religious symbol' going there, a t-frame piece of steel from the wtc is going there.

How do you know it wouldn’t surprise me if there is one at least when these joint exercises are going on?

During the multinational, biannual event in which Japan participates in? Maybe, but probably not, and even if it was it would still only be there for the event. And that's if it even is.

I brought it up because you said the following:

correct. you brought up a muslim religious symbol, AT WTC site and I responded to that post. STILL have no idea how that all of a sudden became a mosque.

You can’t allow symbols from one religion without allowing them from all religions.

no one is not allowing it. come up with some other debris that may be debris that they saved from the pile, and I am sure they will let you put it in.
For example, they found a prayer book or something from some Jewish person's luggage from one of the planes or something like that, or some Buddist artifact from some Buddist, they will gladly put it in one of the display cases for you. They may even put Mouhammad Atta's prayer note book in the showcase as an artifact if they found that piece of trash.


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