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Re: Boeing jet to break distance record

Posted by RonInBayside on Thu Nov 10 11:36:39 2005, in response to Re: Boeing jet to break distance record, posted by aem7ac on Thu Nov 10 11:24:44 2005.

You make a good point there. The freighters make the stop because they are crammed full of stuff and the cargo operators put less fuel in the airplane.

Also, a cargo container doesn't write to the airline complaining about having to endure a refueling stop, whereas that is not true for a passenger (so that's a customer service issue).

"The reason short routes make more money has nothing to do with fuel and everything to do with maintenance, utilization, and most of all, travel demand."

Well, I wouldn't go that far.

Yes, you are turning the seat over more (therefore charging more tickets) and assuming you can fill the plane, you increase revenue that way. The marginal cost in fuel for each passenger added is small. So utilization is very important. Good point by you.

But short flights do involve a higher percentage of time spent in inefficient flight (take-off settings, thrust reversing and climbing and taxiing) They also stress the airplane more because you are cycling the engines more, you are pressurizing and depressurizing the fuselage much more often, you need to clean the airplane more often, and so on.

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