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Re: Atheist Billboard At Lincoln Tunnel Approach

Posted by Olog-hai on Thu Dec 2 00:51:48 2010, in response to Re: Atheist Billboard At Lincoln Tunnel Approach, posted by JayMan on Wed Dec 1 21:07:55 2010.

There is plenty of information to make a decision about the existence of god, namely the complete lack of evidence of his existence, which leads one to the conclusion that he can be regarded to be nonexistent

He "can be regarded to be" instead of he "is". Why the ambiguity in language?

False. The Western concept of marriage and family is a culturally recent and unusual invention

That's a lie. And it's not a Western concept exclusively.

This is an inaccuracy constantly repeated, mostly by the religious right about American laws

Yet you have absolutely no proof of your claim, not to mention having to resorting to personal attacks against a small segment of US society. The US Constitution is rooted in the Ten Commandments. And there's the second POTUS' opinion on the matter:
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
And he's continuously proven right on that matter.

as societies have moved away from religion they have moved towards a greater sense of morality and human welfare, and have moved away from the barbarism demanded by religious "morality," such as the stoning of women and homosexuals, the genocide of whole ethnic groups, and the enslavement of people

. . . with the USSR and People's Republic of China as shining examples of same. Ever read the Black Book of Communism?

Stop citing fantasy as reality.

Morality is not based on religion but instead based on the social contract, which basically states that in order to get the benefits of living in a social group one needs to adhere to certain rules

You're arguing in circles. Not to mention displaying no knowledge of the "social contract" or the history of the concept.


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