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Re: Karl Rove

Posted by Olog-hai on Sat Nov 27 22:47:27 2004, in response to Re: Karl Rove, posted by Train Dude on Sat Nov 27 18:36:43 2004.

the liberal dummcrats

Why are redundant phrases like that repeated from Bush supporters?

refusal to unite behind the legitimately elected President

There are extenuating circumstances. PNAC is the biggest. The fiscal and economic policies of the Bush Admin during a time of war is yet another.

it gives the Fanatical Muslim Extremist followers of bin Laden reason to think they can be victorious against a divided United States

How come the Bush Administration is not bothering to reach out to its opposition within the US? Unilaterilsm is not conducive to unity. And the by-proxy "war on liberals" is given legitimacy, thus. All during a time when we need more unity than ever. Bush had that unity—however, that was squandered during March of 2003.


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