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Re: Some WTC Thoughts....

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Tue Aug 26 12:29:07 2008, in response to Some WTC Thoughts...., posted by JournalSquare-K-Car on Tue Aug 26 12:22:21 2008.

then somehow the ENTIRE building fell...strange, I say...

Not strange at all. The top didn't collapse off the side of the building, it gave way downwards, and then pancaked just as mentioned in both buildings.

And it seems that the WTC had a flaw in its design...the fact that it didn't have an inner frame, only an outer shell...

Yes, it had an inner frame too, and the floors were also connected to that, but the floors were sort of suspended between the outer and inner supports. When the upper floors began to pancake, all that weight pushed down.
Yes, the WTC collapsed because of the way it was built, but that doesn't mean it was a design fault or built poorly, but no they weren't designed to be hit with modern airliners full of suel. They were even designed to be hit by stray planes, but again, accident stray planes. There was no reason to believe in the early 70's that loaded passenger jets would be flying that low and slam direct hit into the building at full speed.

The Empire state building has steel frames inside, which is why terrorists wouldn't think of attacking it...because the plane would have to be scraped off of the wall...

Oh, they wouldn't slam off the wall at all, they would have smashed through, but the building probably wouldn't ave collapsed. It was hit with a plane in the 1940's, but not nearly as big, and not nearly as fast, and it went into the building and through the wall.


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