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Re: Cell Phone invented 106 years ago

Posted by JournalSquare-K-Car on Thu May 22 16:36:40 2008, in response to Cell Phone invented 106 years ago, posted by Orange Blossom Special on Wed May 21 18:42:09 2008.

I respect this guy and his vision, but he wasn't really using the magic of electromagnetic radiation. He was just using what is essentially a long distance transformer.

Now that is still viable for short distances, but for long distances, you need Electro Magnetic waves, which propogate through the aether better, and can be focused to a point. Also, a long distance transformer would require more power due to the resistance in the wire. In actuality, there is little understanding as to why a radio antenna radiates, but it does.

Now the real inventor of the cell phone would have to be the EXCELLENT Nikola Tesla, who invented the Radio. I believe it was he who realized to use a cpacitor and inductor in resonant frequencies to transmit waves. Cell phones are essentially radios that operate at microwave frequencies. He also had an idea for what would become the internet, and even built remote control vehicles. He wanted to create a World Wireless company which would allow people to communicate easily overseas via phone and all. He also had ideas for television, but it would be invented later.
he also figured out a way to send energies or pull unergies out of the surrounding Aether, and built a car that used this method. IT was all destroyed though by the greedy capitalists.
Tesla also Lived in New York, and made lots of his inventions in new york. He is excellent, and i bet he even rode the subway as well. COOL. He probably got some of his ideas while riding the subway, and i bet he was the type of guy to go up to the RFW.

PS, I disagree with the relativity theory, and so did Nikola Tesla, so if you call me crazy and stupid for that, you will be calling one of the most excellent people ever stupid as well, but he was definately smarter than me for now. Maybe i will learn as i get older, and be super smart too.

But yeah, Tesla figured most of the stuff out, he was an excellent guy.


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