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Re: John White Found Guilty

Posted by Train Dude on Sun Dec 23 15:51:53 2007, in response to Re: John White Found Guilty, posted by Forest Glen on Sun Dec 23 12:35:11 2007.

"This trial is the epitome of racism."

No, it was not. If anything, based on the fact that the jury deliberated for 4 days and at least twice told the judge that they were unable to reach a verdict, indicates that there was at least some serious consideration of the issues within the jury room.

The trial itself appeared to be on issue until Mr. White's attorney played the race card. The fact that it was "NO SALE" with the jury just indicates that the jury was not subverted from the real issues.

The facts are that:
The victim and friends (the gang) did not attempt to breech the White's home.
The victim did not attempt to use lethal force.
Mr White and family had the opportunity to flee (a legal point in determining the use of force)
No one in the White household caled 911.

Were the victim and friends there for a friendly meeting? Likely not. However to this point I see nothing to indicate that they intended to use lethal force against anyone in the White family. The term "LYNCHING" keeps being kicked around - but no rope was found. Again, the term was used to evoke an image to the jury that simply did not exist - at least in my opinion.

The recent Howard beach violence keeps being raised. I suggest that this has similar issues to the Sean Bell killing. The car in the Sean Bell case was moving at the officers and the officers felt threatened so they fired. Much has been made of the driver's actions in that case. Clearly if he were trying to hit the cops, then they were justified in using lethal force.

Bottom line: If you are prepared to say that the victim and his friends were motivated by racism then you have to be prepared to say that Mr. White's actions were equally racist. Would he have reacted the same way if the the victim and friends were black? Likely not.

In any event, ignorance, hatred and stupidity win. 2 families and civility lose.

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