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Re: If Jews Wanted the Temple Mount, They’d Have Taken It in 1967

Posted by Orange Blossom Special on Tue Jun 11 08:46:19 2024, in response to If Jews Wanted the Temple Mount, They’d Have Taken It in 1967, posted by Mitch45 on Mon Jun 10 17:30:48 2024.

I remember when the 3rd most holy site is islam was in Turkey before they moved it to Israel. So considering this, how badly they let the place go before the 1950's, how they currently have no problem playing soccer up there and other things, use it as a weapons storage depot, and only G-d knows how many tunnels they built up there (I am pretty sure they've been doing this based upon my own intel),
I don't see why it should have any arab rule. It's not legit.

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