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Re: From NBCNewYork

Posted by Stephen Bauman on Tue Jun 11 05:48:59 2024, in response to Re: From NBCNewYork, posted by Peter Rosa on Mon Jun 10 22:44:22 2024.

I believe the subway is doing a better job of handling the post-Covid changes than the commuter lines.

Per schedule: number of trips scheduled for 11 Jun 2019: 8444
Per schedule: number of trips scheduled for 12 Jun 2024: 8396

The real cost deficits are run up by buses.
Per schedule: number of bus trips scheduled for 11 Jun 2019: 54,160
Per schedule: number of bus trips scheduled for 12 Jun 2019: 54,163

N.B. both subway trips and bus trips are canceled because of manpower shortages, as per service alerts.

Sorry, I have not been archiving M-N and LIRR GTFS schedules.


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