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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Mon Jun 10 19:18:50 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by Spider-Pig on Mon Jun 10 17:14:25 2024.

One more thing, The Judges daughter, Loren, is president of Authentic Campaigns, a Chicago based progressive political consulting firm. Dem clients of his daughter include Adam Schiff. On the strength of the Judges' participation in the trial, its turned into a cash cow for donations which total over $90mil towards Biden's reelection.
Bottom line here is if all that doesn't represent a conflict of interest inasmuch getting $$$ donations for presiding (with deep Dems connections) over a trial against a political opponent, I don't know what is.
Just more fuel for an overturned verdict.


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