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Re: Jewish business owners describe vandalism, looting of businesses in LA

Posted by Orange Blossom Special on Fri Jun 5 09:59:09 2020, in response to Jewish business owners describe vandalism, looting of businesses in LA, posted by DAnD124 on Thu Jun 4 23:33:23 2020.

"after peaceful protests spiraled out"

"the heavily Orthodox Fairfax district, are observant Jews who had shut off all electronic devices and connection to the outside world on Thursday night"

How about they just say the phones are tucked away and the television is off instead of making it sound like the power is shut off and they have campfires?

"While Naim is horrified by the rioting and looting, he said he feels the blame lies with the police and not the peaceful protesters.

The sentiments were echoed by other Jewish business owners."

Okay, so every business in America is either suffering stockholm syndrome, and like major corproations they're happy they were looted because it sends a message,
or everyone is kissing ass hoping they don't get killed next. Very "peaceful".

Buried in the article is the only important line:
After receiving a notification shortly after Shabbat, Rosenfeld raced to his store with some other men and discovered four men coming out of his store carrying his computer. “I chased [them] down and got them to drop the computer,” he said.
Rosenfeld described the scene late Saturday night with people driving down the Fairfax district streets screaming, “effing Jews,” at them. He said when they saw a police car, they waved it down, hoping they would arrest a looter they had pinned down, but the cop said, “We can’t do anything, we have officers who need assistance.”
Israeli-born philanthropist and activist Adam Milstein, who lives in Los Angeles, concurred. He said, “The Jewish community is in denial. The fact that synagogues got tagged and Jewish businesses were looted with [signs saying] ‘Free Palestine’ and ‘Kill the Jews,’ is not a coincidence. The rioters are antifa and Black Lives Matter and they are inherently antisemitic.”

"and everyone’s mad at the world and wants to destroy it.”

[Don't know why no toddler in the MSM can understand people when they say burn it all down].


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