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Re: This is why Democrats Will Lose Again

Posted by mtk52983 on Wed Sep 18 10:05:20 2019, in response to Re: This is why Democrats Will Lose Again, posted by BILLBKLYN on Wed Sep 18 07:52:18 2019.

Paranoid much? The Second Amendment is not going anywhere in the near future. The Amendment process is DOA as not enough states will sign off and any legislative action will be tossed by the Supreme Court if it even makes it that far. The difference between the Heller court and today is that Justices Scalia and Kennedy have been replaced with Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh and Justices Stevens and Souter have been replaced by Justices Kagan and Sotomayor. Even if a Democrat wins in 2020 and replaces Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the ideological balance of the Supreme Court won't change. It would take someone like Clarence Thomas dropping dead and being replaced by a Democrat to possibly change the direction of the Court on this issue. I say possibly because Elena Kagan has been more Conservative than John Paul Stevens in his later years (see Justice Kagan in opinions like Mastrpiece Cakeshop) so is somewhat of a wildcard if legislative action goes too far.


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