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Re: Earths Magnetic Feild/Currents Reversing?

Posted by Subterranean Railway on Mon Oct 30 14:28:58 2006, in response to Re: Earths Magnetic Feild/Currents Reversing?, posted by Mr Mabstoa on Mon Oct 30 11:47:54 2006.

...but you need a few more years under the belt to see what these "crisis's" are really about.

One can easily go to the nearest public library for a few hours and research climate change. He would look at books containing historic climate data, and perhaps some basic chemistry texts. It doesn't take any special "experience" to comprehend an issue such as global warming.

You also seem to be implying that global warming is merely a conspiracy. That's more ludicrous than 9/11 conspiracy theories. I'm *sure* that excessive CO2 production is intentional; it simply exists to facilitate excessive taxes, oh yes! </sarcasm>

And please don't tell me that these news reports aren't factual or have any proof. There are many for you to choose from.

I'm not sure why you so vehemently deny an issue you don't understand. Never once have you formulated your own valid argument as to why climate change is not occurring.


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