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Re: New Zealand announces new gun confiscation laws

Posted by Spider-Pig on Fri Mar 22 13:57:02 2019, in response to Re: New Zealand announces new gun confiscation laws, posted by bingbong on Fri Mar 22 13:43:13 2019.

1. All guns can propel a bullet at high speed. You’d have to define high speed. Of course, one thing that slows down a bullet is a suppressor (aka silencer), but you probably want those banned.

2. Define unreasonable number of bullets and accommodate how? What if the gun takes removable magazines, and such magazine can have a high capacity, but the user does not have any such magazine and has no intention of using one?

3. What sorts of features on a firearm do you believe would make it convertible to fully automatic and how do you believe such a thing could be done?

4. Killing other animals and even people in extreme circumstances is justifiable.

5. What feature of the AR-15 do you believe causes damage to nature that would be unavailable in a different gun?

Did you know that even New York does not ban the “AR-15” as such?

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