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Re: Assholes like Jimmymc25 topple Confederate monument

Posted by #4 Sea Beach Fred on Wed Nov 15 23:22:22 2017, in response to Re: Assholes like Jimmymc25 topple Confederate monument, posted by Bill Newkirk on Wed Nov 15 10:16:59 2017.

Hey Bill, isn't this subchat? I thought the off topic thread was part of it . Truth be told, much of what I read on the regular sub-chat board is kind of dull. It is as if the Sea Beach, Brighton, West End and others of the BMT have gone by the board. I'd like to see some stuff on those lines. BUT.....I will take you up on that and I look forward to coming to New York next Spring to ride the rails and meet up with some of my old buddies who I used to ride with on my previous trips.

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