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Re: Vandals topple Confederate monument

Posted by Olog-hai on Wed Nov 15 12:20:05 2017, in response to Re: Vandals topple Confederate monument, posted by bingbong on Wed Nov 15 12:14:14 2017.

Strict originalists support oppression of women

Complete BS. Nothing in the Constitution "oppresses" women. Nothing is written in there specifying doing anything of the sort. But thanks for declaring yourself an enemy of the Constitution.

Now the left is proving how it's all about oppressing and harassing women; it's all come out in the news these days. They regard women as objects, not human beings.

and as they read it as written, slavery

Again, BS. The northern USA had the first free states in the world. (Except for New Jersey.) The Constitution was written to support that, and also to provide for abolition of slavery in the rest of those states. In an age where worldwide slavery and misogyny is more prevalent than at any other time in history (thanks to the rampant leftism that is in most of the rest of the world), you should really be re-examining that.


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