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Re: Girl at Braves Stadium game got offended when three strikeouts were recorded in the ''K-corner''

Posted by Olog-hai on Mon Jul 10 02:38:38 2017, in response to Re: Girl at Braves Stadium game got offended when three strikeouts were recorded in the ''K-corner'', posted by LuchAAA on Mon Jul 10 02:20:20 2017.

Be glad your mother isn't a Leftist like the majority of Irish-Catholic women seem to be

OK; that's a good concession.

They all self-describe as "Irish-Catholic"

Stop repeating that when it's not true at all. Griffin and Walsh do not. Dowd wrote this anti-Catholic screed five years ago:

When I was in Saudi Arabia, I had tea and sweets with a group of educated and sophisticated young professional women.

I asked why they were not more upset about living in a country where women’s rights were strangled, an inbred and autocratic state more like an archaic men’s club than a modern nation. They told me, somewhat defensively, that the kingdom was moving at its own pace, glacial as that seemed to outsiders.

How could such spirited women, smart and successful on every other level, acquiesce in their own subordination?

I was puzzling over that one when it hit me: As a Catholic woman, I was doing the same thing.

I, too, belonged to an inbred and wealthy men’s club cloistered behind walls and disdaining modernity.

I, too, remained part of an autocratic society that repressed women and ignored their progress in the secular world.

I, too, rationalized as men in dresses allowed our religious kingdom to decay and to cling to outdated misogynistic rituals, blind to the benefits of welcoming women’s brains, talents and hearts into their ancient fraternity. . . .
She identifies as a "Catholic woman" but spouts the usual Marxist propaganda. She's lying about something.


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