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Re: List of Nones

Posted by New Flyer #857 on Mon Jun 26 08:06:50 2017, in response to Re: List of Nones, posted by orange blossom special on Sun Jun 25 14:38:35 2017.

In full disclosure, I greatly dislike the word "religion." Everyone has a belief system of some sort, but then a wide variety of behaviors in accordance with those beliefs.

For your examples. . .

If I believe in a hard days work, and getting up before dawn

I assume you mean "a hard day's work" and "getting up before dawn" have value (not just that they exist). Well, then they have value because of something else that you believe in. . .your vision for the world that is based on what you believe the world should be like. That indeed is philosophy. It is not provable that these activities are "good" for the world because someone else, for example, may be negatively impacted by your job, so it becomes something like your philosophy among others. To me, you would be acting "religiously" to the extent that you live up to this philosophy (like actually getting up before dawn and working hard consistently).

having a pizza every wednesday

This is of course more trivial and quite likely a pattern that you did not consciously fall into. . .so it's not philosophy but just a habitual action that you are doing that is a byproduct of your philosophy and how well you are living up to it. What brings you to the pizza on Wednesdays? That's the real question.

I don't believe in war

Assuming this means, "I don't think war is profitable," that is a philosophy, like pacifism.

I refuse to settle down. . .

This is actually consciously thought out. You have prioritized "hotness" over other things. Even if your philosophy does not ever get listed in the almanac as "hotism" it is still an "ism" that you have established for yourself. And if you remain faithful to it (never settling down until you die) there is a religiosity aspect in there.

Along these lines, Ferris Bueller makes the claim that one should not believe in an "ism" but rather simply in oneself, but of course that's just selfism, so he hasn't said anything of substance. There is no escape from the "isms." And since one practices "isms" even if not having reflected on that practice, it's rarely if ever true for someone to claim to be non-religious. There is no escape from the question: which religion is better?

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