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Re: Brentwood: MS13 gang members charged in murders of teen girls

Posted by ntrainride on Fri Mar 3 02:37:22 2017, in response to Re: Brentwood: MS13 gang members charged in murders of teen girls, posted by Express Rider on Thu Mar 2 21:20:41 2017.

thousands of houses on mostly 1/3 acre plots built after ww two in areas surrounding the original community grouped around the train station which originally occupied by mostly locally employed irish and italian families up until early 70's.

families raised, second generatons largely abandonded the area, moved south. large local area employers (state hospitals, entenmans bakery, grumman, republic etc.) closed or reduced workforces. majority of people moving into the houses vacated by the departed irish and italians were hispanic. and a large percentage of the formerly single family houses were subdivided into "apartments".

that's brentwood today.

i grew up on the central islip side right at the "border" of brentwood. the c.i. side, since it was only two blocks in and then there was the grounds of the central islip state mental hospital, (hundreds of acres of really cool mixture of semi-abandonded institutional brick buildings, scattered woods and fallow fields, forlorn apple groves bearing gnarly insane green apples, crazy (to us kids) guys wandering around and doing weird spooky shit), was more rural looking with empty lots and woods where kids built forts and whatnot.

..like, until i was a teenager there was a large commercial chicken coops set up with hundreds of birds directly across the street.

(the sounds {phew!} and the smells of those freeking chickens, the car racing sounds coming from islip speedway, only about ten blocks away, on the weekends, whistles of trains passing by on the montauk branch and the main line, occasional inexplicable screetch coming out of the dark hospital grounds woods...these were the sounds of my summers.)

but the brentwood side which
had newer homes and curbs and actual sidewalks! always seemed to me to be a "higher class" neighborhood than the c.i. side.

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