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Re: Best Thing to Come Out of the Election

Posted by R30A on Tue Jan 17 16:00:16 2017, in response to Re: Best Thing to Come Out of the Election, posted by Mitch45 on Tue Jan 17 15:32:52 2017.

Still no proof that anything Russia might have done or not done had anything to do with Hillary blowing what should have been an easy win. You just can't handle that she lost.
Why is Trump cozying up to Putin? Should we not be concerned about his blatant conflicts of interest? Why is Russian hacking of our political parties something that we should overlook?

Get it straight. The way the US election process is set up, the majority does NOT always rule. You may hate that Hillary won the popular vote but lost the election but that is the law. If you don't like the law, get it changed. But Trump was elected LEGALLY. Deal with it.
Nobody is saying it is illegal with regards to a presidential election. It arguably is with regards to house elections. Both do need to be radically changed if we wish for our government to be anything resembling a representative democracy in anything but name.

Obama promised everyone that if they liked their current plan, they could keep their current plan. So many plans then cancelled out after ObamaCare was shoved down people's throats by Obama and his henchmen Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid that Obama must have been either (a) lying when he said that or (b) woefully ignorant of the consequences of ObamaCare.
The left wants to keep ObamaCare not for the good of the country but because Obama put it in place.

I think most of us support the ACA because it is the least radical way to expand healthcare. I don't claim it does not have issues. I just support ANY change that is a change in the positive direction. Could it have gone a lot further? YES! and it should have! Was it stupid for Obama to say what he did? YES. I think his main mistake was assuming that people with the woefully inadequate plans that existed could have mislead themselves into thinking they actually had healthcare.
So... What is your plan? How do you want to provide healthcare to all?
What plan do you have that actually provides for healthcare for all?


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