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Re: Minimum wage hike in DC costs lots of jobs

Posted by Henry R32 #3730 on Tue Jun 7 20:01:23 2016, in response to Re: Minimum wage hike in DC costs lots of jobs, posted by Olog-hai on Tue Jun 7 12:34:54 2016.

My thought has always been to try and encourage people to move into cities. If population increases are handled vertically, not only is greater efficiency achieved, but "green space"/nature will always be available. I don't need an acre of backyard I have to maintain - when I want rugged nature I go to one of several nearby state parks. When I want carefully curated gardens I go to nearby city parks.

The people crying most about overpopulation are the ones who move into unspoiled, still wild areas worsening the very problem they complain about. I have a co-worker who is exactly like this, says there's too many people in the world and proceeded to build a house on a 13 acre plot of land.


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