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Re: The house of cards is falling

Posted by bingbong on Thu May 26 11:35:42 2016, in response to Re: The house of cards is falling, posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu May 26 03:24:29 2016.

You really hate people don't you?

Although you say you're pro choice, its for the wrong reason. Women also have the right to self-determenation. Reproductive rights are central to that. And you utterly disregard the innocent people that get executed? Happens more often than you think.

The far majority of taxes involved in ACA fall on insurers. That's the price they pay for being. Single payer is the ultimate solution, but the RW won't touch it. Necessity will see it prevail one way or another. My issue with ACA is that they didn't eliminate networks. But I disagree that it punishes those already with insurance. For so many, nothing really changed. Copays go up every year regardless. At least it's less than it used to be.

Gun control IS constitutional, among the first laws written in this country were gun control laws. Localities had flat out bans throughout the 19th century. Common sense rules such as background checks for all sales, criminal liability and insurance regulations and laws to prevent "accidents" such as four year olds shooting a sibling, sales through registered and regulated dealers ONLY and mandatory competency training and testing are good steps to protecting the rights of those seeking to live FREE from guns. This country is NOT meant to be an armed dystopia. Guns make everyone around them less safe.

Immigration reform is needed. IMO, it needs to be employment focused, since all these people wouldn't be coming here if there wasn't chances to make more money at whatever at home. Most companies that hire illegals are unscrupulous types (like construction or agribusiness companies that play loose with or ignore safety regulations). These need to be taken out of business first. Then an easy, low cost means of obtaining visas for employees needed has to be put in place. No small business can afford a lawyer to negotiate the byzantine visa system. Plus some means to ensure those already here, after paying fines and back taxes, get to stay and have a path to citizenship, which can be different from those entering with a visa and green card.

Your signature, matched to the previous, is all the voter ID necessary. If they don't match to the satisfaction of the inspector, then and only then can additional ID be requested. "Voter ID" laws exist ONLY to DISENFRACHISE otherwise qualified voters. No American should stand for it.

Anti discrimination laws are not too vague. They lack a readily available means to register a complaint and get same resolved. They need to be tightened and given big sharp pointy teeth. That's about the only things bigot haters listen to.

Hope this sets the record straight. You're more RW than you think. Especially when it comes to people. Why do you hate them so?


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