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Re: My synagogue this morning :(

Posted by Express Rider on Sun May 22 23:43:23 2016, in response to Re: My synagogue this morning :(, posted by Terrapin Station on Sun May 22 21:23:57 2016.

I'm just writing a response here, while reading posts, and haven't done any kind of research.

The way this chosen people concept has been understood, or misunder-stood for a long time, as I understand it* is the way, as I perceive it, that is stated above**, and the way I've heard it described, with some resentment in their voices, by some individuals who are not Jewish; as in, "You're Jewish? God's chosen people right?"

I don't know the scripture citation, but my rabbi told us (confirmation class I think), that yes, it did mean, (as a written account as history in the Old Testament) God said he was holding the Jewish people to a higher standard, but not because we were better than any of the other nations. And the higher standard was really, being observant of all Jewish religious practices, and scripture teachings - that was a way to show respect towards God.

And by being observant of religious practices and teachings, as it was recounted in the OT, there would be the potential (my understanding here, and maybe a stretch) for individuals, by observing God's teachings to become more moral and empathetic towards each other, and ultimately treat all people with the same respect, Jewish or not Jewish - that's what I think the light unto the nations means, not some kind of putting ourselves on a metaphoric pedestal to conciously teach or show others, who are not Jewish, what ethics and morals should be. A final point, this event if communication between humans and God did take place, occurred a few thousand years ago, when the world and these early nations were a very different place, with a very different mindset.

OK that's a mouthful, some run-on sentences, starting sentences with "and" (no gold stars for that), and repitition. Just trying to respond, as a first impression, with my thoughts on this.

Some may think it's partially right, or partially right for the wrong reasons, or not right at all, that I'm in the wrong neck of the woods, or up to my neck in sand, in the Negeve. Just my two cents.

*no, I never wrote for Monty Python
** not meant as a personal put down, I'm writing why I understand it differently.


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