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Re: I switched from Android to iOS and I don't regret it

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Mon Oct 5 04:18:34 2015, in response to Re: I switched from Android to iOS and I don't regret it, posted by Kevin from Midwood on Mon Oct 5 03:51:26 2015.

For what it's worth, despite what Jeff Atwood said there, one of the things about iOS is that even old 4S vintage with a shitty 800 MHz A5 chip in it phones can run iOS9, our latest.

The REAL issue once again is having something like Java running everything. Java is an INTERPRETER, it never could run compiled code written in machine instructions directly on the CPU without any other intervention. Googlephones use Java to do everything.

There's not all those many folks around who remember what Microsoft BASIC was like. Yeah, you could program it to do lots of cool things, but it was pokey as shit because every line of code you wrote in a BASIC script had to be read in, then BASIC would figure out what you wanted to do and then executed it all by a compiler for each line of instruction you wrote, and then wait to see if there was a result.

This slows the SHIT out of even the fastest processors. When you write REAL code, you're sending and receiving direct stack instructions themselves directly from the CPU. No "middlemen" to interpret, analyze, dump as machine instructions to the CPU and then wait for a result and figure out what to tell YOU after each step.

That's why Java (the core of android and several other Linux-base phones) will blow goats no matter WHAT you run it on. Too many things in the way for each and every clock cycle of the CPU. Too busy looking up what you wanted to DO it.

Add a slow processor to DO all that, and well ... no surprise.

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