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Re: White Cop Shot by Black Perp

Posted by Nilet on Sat May 23 01:34:46 2015, in response to Re: White Cop Shot by Black Perp, posted by Spider-Pig on Fri May 22 11:37:24 2015.

That doesn’t make sense. Guns exist. They would continue to exist even if you banned them. Just like drugs.

Ban them. Buy back the existing ones. Confiscate them if need be.

Congratulations, most of the guns are no longer available— that's what happened in Australia.

A handful of guns will remain; those will be taken off the streets as people are arrested with them.

Others will break down or get lost.

It's not "just like drugs" because most drugs literally grow in the ground and what few don't can be synthesized with a few chemical reactions in a home lab. You cannot build an AR-15 in your basement.

So meth then.

Meth can be cooked up in any kitchen from commonly available ingredients. Guns require a factory and specialised equipment which can't be readily obtained. They are not comparable.

And I don’t see the difference anyway.

The difference between banning something any petty crook can make and banning something that requires hard to find resources and considerable know-how to make is pretty fundamental.

Farming is similar to manufacture. If anything, it’s easier to manufacture than to farm. Farming requires a proper climate and has to take place outdoors. Manufacturing can be done underground, literally and figuratively and anywhere.

You can speculate about what is involved in farming coca or manufacturing guns, but the facts on the ground are clear— when drugs are banned, there is a massive influx of illegal drugs made in violation of the ban. When guns are banned, there is no massive influx of illegal guns made in violation of the ban; if feasible, there may be an influx of guns purchased legally in places that have no ban (like the Mexican gangs armed with legal American guns) but there are no illegal gun factories popping up to supply the black market.

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