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Re: The Police union, not of the labor movenment...

Posted by Nilet on Mon May 4 01:33:55 2015, in response to Re: The Police union, not of the labor movenment..., posted by tunnelrat on Sun May 3 19:00:34 2015.

NO I genuinely don`t want to know.i was just banging away at the keyboard and that question,as if by magic or devine intervention popped up.

In my experience, racists do tend to be fans of sea lioning and JAQing off so whether you are genuinely interested in the answer or a racist who plans to ignore it is a fair question.

Your next line seems to suggest it's the latter— screaming about "black on black crime" is something rarely seen outside of racists trying to justify their bigotry. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt (after all, I do tend to assume the best of people) and give you another fair answer—

it seems that black lives DON`T matter in the ghetto where 90% of all crime is black on black.can you explain this away?

I can't "explain it away" but I can explain it.

1. Most crime is local. Because segregation was repealed in name only, black people are forced to live in predominantly-black areas. As such, black criminals target their black neighbors just as white criminals target their white neighbors. When a population is 90% black, it's hardly disproportionate for the crime in that population to be 90% black.

2. Black people are easy targets. Thanks to overpowering racism, black people cannot call the police, and everyone knows this. Obviously, a criminal is more likely to target someone who can't report the crime.

3. Black people face greater social pressure to become criminals than white people.
    (a) Thanks to racism, black people tend to be poorer and have fewer opportunities; poverty and desperation increase crime.
    (b) Thanks to racism, black people are likely to get arrested and thrown in prison (or killed by the police) whether they commit any crime or not— knowing that you face arrest and imprisonment or summary execution any day no matter what you do, and obeying the law won't help, what incentive do you have to obey the law?

Does that sufficiently answer your question?

By the way— based on the available statistics, we know that black and white people commit most crimes at roughly equal rates, but black people are more likely to be the victim of a crime and far more likely to go to prison.

With regards to your claim that "it seems black lives don't matter in the ghetto," I'd like to remind you that the phrase "black lives matter" was coined to protest systemic racism in which our society oppresses black people. Individual petty criminals not motivated by race are irrelevant to systemic racism. Your so-called "black on black crime," at least beyond what should be expected from any society, is actually caused by the same white-privileging systemic racism that the phrase "black lives matter" was coined to protest.

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