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Re: George Zimmerman Is White

Posted by Nilet on Mon Mar 30 06:20:07 2015, in response to Re: George Zimmerman Is White, posted by BILLBKLYN on Mon Mar 30 05:35:24 2015.

I'm not brown actually. I'm very pale and ruddy with freckles.

Post your skin tone (it doesn't have to be a photo) and I'll see. Mine is probably about #F5E0CC which is certainly somewhere in the brown group.

Yes, you are white even though it must KILL you to be so.

Why? Being white is a pretty sweet deal— I get more money, more respect, more power, less chance of being murdered, and a whole bunch of other things. Of course, that doesn't mean I can't be aware I have these perks or that I have to fight to deny them to other people.

I actually find it curious that every time I point out that society confers special advantages on white people, you immediately scream: "WHITE GUILT!" Obviously, there's no reason to be guilty that you passively benefit from unfair institutions you didn't actually create, but if I so much as mention the topic you assume I'm wracked with guilt.

Considering that the right wing is infamous for their projection, I can't help but wonder that maybe you are feeling guilty about being white and the screaming bigotry you've expressed is part of your coping mechanism; deny the problem because if the problem doesn't exist you couldn't have had any role in it.

If so, allow me to assure you that there's no need to feel guilty about being white. Yes, you were given an unfair advantage, but you didn't have any control over that and weren't offered any ability to opt out. All you need to do is recognise you have the advantage; there's no fault in that. In fact, the best thing you can do is leverage that advantage to promote racial equality.

How do WE know what society says about him?

Society let him carry a gun. In public. And pursue unarmed teenagers. Despite knowing he had a reputation for this.

If you seriously think any non-white person would be allowed to do that, you're really clueless.

He's mulatto-mestizo hispanic, end of story.

That's not even a thing. America has never had a racial category for "mulatto-mestizo."

YOU just want him to be white so you can blame the "evil white man" for Treyvon's death...

Whereas you are insisting he can't possibly be white because no true white man would commit a hate crime.

So, do you think Martin deserved to be shot?

...as opposed to it being a killing by a mentally unstable nutjob.

When a black man commits murder in cold blood, media say: "He was in a gang!"

When a brown man commits murder in cold blood, the media say: "He was a terrorist!"

When a white man commits murder in cold blood, the media say: "He was a good person, he just suffered from mental illness."

You're insisting Zimmerman can't be white because you apparently think white people never commit hate crimes, and yet you're giving him the cliché white person's excuse for a violent crime.

I'm aware that Mankind came from Africa. Never denied it NOR do I care, so don't put words in my mouth.

So then you agree that no one who has ever lived has ever had 100% European ancestry.

BHO was raised by his whore of a mother in a white family.

Precisely what makes her a whore?

So, shouldn't THAT make him socially white?

No, because race is not defined by what family you were raised in.

At the moment, race is defined pretty much entirely by skin tone; if your skin tone is among the lightest 5% then you're white; if it's among the darkest 70% then you're black. However, this was not always the case; initially, "white" meant you were born in England or you were born in Virginia with your most recent non-Virginian parents born in England, while "black" meant you were born in Africa or you were born in Virginia with your most recent non-Virginian parents born in Africa. In the early 19th Century, "white" meant you had light skin, no confirmed dark-skinned ancestors, and no confirmed German, Italian, eastern European, Irish, or Jewish heritage. Later, the Irish became white; Germans became white about a generation later; pale-skinned Jews became white after the Holocaust made antisemitism unfashionable, and ultimately we reached the definitions in use today.

A race is a contest where participants are pitted against each other to see who can get to a predetermined finish line the fastest.

However, in this context, it's an arbitrary division of a population into an in-group and out-group, traditionally made by the aristocracy to keep the commoners fighting each other and unlikely to overthrow them.

The technique was invented in the late 17th century, but if you've ever voted Republican then it's working like a charm today.


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