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Re: George Zimmerman Is WRONG

Posted by Nilet on Sun Mar 29 06:10:09 2015, in response to Re: George Zimmerman Is WRONG, posted by 3-9 on Sun Mar 29 05:53:33 2015.

However, it can be argued that it's not a complete blockade of Mexico, because the border with Guatemala is still open.

No, it may not be a complete blockade, but it's still a blockade and likely illegal under international law.

Moreover, if Guatemala closed its border with Mexico for reasons based on Mexican/Guatemalan politics unrelated to America's actions, it would be absurd to say that Guatemala and America are both blockading Mexico, let alone that they're both equally responsible for Mexico's predicament.

The air and the seas are traditionally considered international territory— one country preventing another country from accessing them is fundamentally different from a country restricting its own borders or its own territory. You'd probably have difficulty naming any other country that I cannot enter without getting permission from a second country.

By definition though, a blockade is not restricted to just air or water - it can be on land as well.

It can be, but since there's very little land that's not considered part of an existing country, it's comparatively rare for there to be a blockade of a land border outside of wars where boundaries are disputed.

For what it's worth, if America blocked access to the Mexican/Guatemalan border, that'd be worse than the naval blockade.

The Israeli Navy is blockading Gaza's ports, and the air force is blockading Gaza's airspace, but consider that Israel's ultimate goal is to completely blockade Gaza. That means including the efforts on land, including the near complete closing of the border crossings on the Israeli side, and with Egypt's help, the closing of the border with Egypt.

Yes, Israel wants to see Gaza completely sealed off— essentially, an open-air prison. However, it's unfair to say that Egypt and Israel are equally responsible for its predicament as Egypt has merely closed its own borders and has not restricted travel or transport between Gaza and international territory.

In fact, Egypt closing its border with Gaza at Israel's behest actually lends credence to the idea that Israel is entirely responsible for the blockade.


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