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Re: Our Chickenhawk Country

Posted by SMAZ on Sun Mar 1 22:05:18 2015, in response to Re: Our Chickenhawk Country, posted by SLRT on Sun Mar 1 21:27:19 2015.

There was nothing pathetic about the draftees in the Army in WWII, Korea or Viet Nam.

Not to disparage those great American warriors, but give today's much smaller professional force the same weaponry and logistical support of back-then (or viceversa...that is apples for apples) and they would COMPLETELY DESTROY the American militaries of WW2, Korean War and 'Nam in less than a month.

Lifers used to tell me that Nam saw the best educated, competent draftees they ever saw.

I agree. I've heard that too. It's because they WERE in fact the best up to that point.
The 'Nam draftees would have slaughtered their WW2 counterparts.

Now imagine those Vietnam Era guys against today's pros.

You just made my case.

Draftees in a future conflict will do fine if we can only break the culture that your country sometimes needs your service;

I would like your optimism more if it were grounded in reality.

70% of American males are not physically fit for military service. A majority of the rest would seek and receive deferments or dodge it altogether.

The fastest way to destroy a capable military force is to impose an unnecessary draft of the unwilling and the incapable.

Imagine a modern civilian police dept, EMS service or even regular but important civil service jobs composed mostly of draftees.
Now expand that to something as gargantuan and complex as the US Armed Forces.

I hope you now have a clear picture.


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