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Re: No indictment

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Wed Nov 26 03:17:03 2014, in response to No indictment, posted by Dave on Mon Nov 24 21:20:03 2014.

What I want to know about this whole incident is WHY there is a large group of people that are rallying behind a CRIMINAL who was doing CRIMINAL acts and BECAUSE of those criminal acts, met his demise? I told you guys in August that this would be the GJ result once the FACTS were in. It's really pretty simple. Michael Brown was the SOLE person responsible for his death DUE TO HIS OWN ACTIONS that night. Race had nothing to do with it. Being a young man thinking he was invincible did.

We ALL know people that died when we were 16-25 doing stupid shit. Riding a rice rocket too fast and wiping out. Subway surfing. Getting involved with the wrong crowd and getting shot. OD'ing on heroin. The list goes on. Mr. Brown's youthful stunt was thinking he was so much of a gangsta that he was just gonna rob (and that's what it was, a ROBBERY, NOT petit larceny like some of the press and protestors want to make it out to be.) the store and manhandle the clerk and when stopped by the police a short time later, become the gangsta badass again and charge the cop's door of the car he was in and punch Wilson in the face AND TRY TO GRAB FOR HIS GUN. Now, at this point, WHAT WOULD ANY OF YOU WANT OFFICER WILSON TO DO? Run away? Cry? Curl up in the fetal position? I'm sure no one who thinks Wilson was guilty can rationally answer my question as the truth doesn't "fit in" with the whole he-was-murdered-mantra. So Brown starts walking away and of course Wilson had to subdue the fleeing felon. Wilson orders Brown to stop, Brown refuses and charges Wilson again with a closed fist taunting Wilson, according to Wilson AND the other perp who was with him. So, Wilson, legitimately fearing for his life tells Brown to stop or he'll shoot is met with more taunts from Brown. Brown still charges, gets shot several times until he falls down. THAT'S how the grand jury saw it. That's how the forensic evidence saw it. That's how the other mope who was with him saw it. That's how several other witnesses saw it also. This isn't a case of black and white. It's a case of Cop vs. Criminal. No more, no less. Now I wish people had more common sense and stop making this criminal out to be a saint when his ACTIONS tell otherwise....

Missouri law, as well as New York and all the other states, gives the police the right to resort to their firearms if they feel that their life is in imminent danger. Wilson thought just that. Brown thought he was an invincible thug. Guess who lost?


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