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Re: Ginsburg Was Right: Texass' Extreme Voter ID Law Is Stopping People From Voting

Posted by Nilet on Sun Nov 2 08:41:58 2014, in response to Re: Ginsburg Was Right: Texass' Extreme Voter ID Law Is Stopping People From Voting, posted by train dude on Sun Nov 2 05:54:12 2014.

That's certainly a coincidence because I don't believe any of these cases are factual. I believe that they are a fiction created to illustrate a problem or blah blah blah blah blah

Case in point.

Actual cases of people being denied the right to vote in a manner representative of a much larger problem don't mean anything because "you believe" they're fictional, while an alleged campaign of intimidation that you made up is a major issue because "you believe" it was covered in the news.

So I guess the answer is no, you don't believe people have the right to vote, because when Jesus Garcia of Mercedes, TX is told that it is illegal for him to vote, your response is to tell him that he doesn't exist because "you believe" he's a fictional character someone invented to demonstrate how people could be denied the right to vote.

I do believe that if those same "roadblocks" stood between one of these alleged individuals and their drivers license or their welfare benefits, they would no longer be so insurmountable.

OK, if New York State decided to stop sending you checks unless you managed to dig up some old documents kept in an inaccessible MTA archive, what would you do?

On the other hand, the incident I referred to is real and was covered in several media outlets.

Wait, "incident" singular? So you are trying to say that one guy being "intimidated" by a private citizen is somehow comparable to the state passing a law that tells thousands of people that it is illegal for them to cast a vote?

OK, tell me this.

Suppose you went to vote and a scary-looking guy outside declared: "I'mma punch you if you go vote!" What would you do?

Now suppose you went to vote and the poll worker said: "No ballot for you. Sorry, you aren't allowed to vote." What would you do then?

You are just to lazy & politically entrenched to seek the truth.

I mean come on, you declared that real people whose words have been published under their real names are "fictional" because the truth is inconsistent with your politics, but you think I'm "too politically entrenched to seek the truth?"

That's so blatant I'm gonna post the "projection" image again.


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